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    Ma raison d´etré, Goddess Amaterasu

As She rose above those hills in the east, my eyes welled up with tears. She lit up that entire valley for me, everything that lay before me. Truly She, for the Sun is Female, has granted me so much, and it saddens me i could never repay Her what i owe. Yet i´m joyous that She holds me in debt, for as one in debt is a slave, no greater Mistress could be imagined..

*looking up to Her, what else could i do..?*

Now, here´s a riddle of sorts, made for a Queen, yet shaped by a clown..
The year of my birth, added to the days W/we have known eachother..this number, divided by the number of my siblings...and lastly, this times a houndred..

Put this nice round number, at the end of this adress below..and see where it takes You...:)