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- This is a page about me! i couldnt think of anything good 2 say really so here is a survey instead!
and below is a strange little pic of me -

~AbOuT yOu~

1. Name - Dara
2. D.O.B. - august 5th 1984
3. Country of residence - USA!
4. Height - 5'6
5. Hair Color -light brown
6. Eye Color - brown
7. Shoe Size - 8 or 9
8. School/College -Essex :p
9. Ideal job- 1st grade teacher maybe?
10. Left or Right handed - right

~FaVoUrItE tHiNgS~

11. Fav food - umm pasta!
12. Fav drink (non-alcoholic) - juice
13. Fav drink (alcoholic) - wine cooler or smirnoff ice
14. Fav place - at a lifehouse concert! :)
15. Fav pub/club- hmm i dont go 2 clubs!
16. Fav color - light blue
17. Fav girl's name - abby!
18. Fav boy's name - kyle or skylar for a middle name! but im sure that will change
19. Fav season -i like them all for different reasons
20. Fav time of day - night
21. Fav shop - target maybe?
22. Fav thing to do - swim! listen to music or go on the message board!
23. Fav word/phrase - dude. for the love of sergio!
24. Fav TV show - hey arnold, 7th heaven, tom green but its never on anymore!
25. Fav film - bruce almighty, pumpkin
26. Fav actress - meg ryan? im not sure
27. Fav actor - Jim Carrey and Adam sandler
28. Fav band - lifehouse :)
29. Fav female artist - not sure
30. Fav male artist - Jon Bon Jovi!
31. Fav type of music - rock N Rolllll :p
32. Fav song - i have 2 many
33. Fav radio station - 98rock or 106.5
34. Fav TV personality - Carson daly
35. Fav subject @ school - science i guess
36. Fav friend - friend on the tv show? lol umm marcel the monkey :p
37. Fav number - 5
38. Fav make of car - toyota celica
39. Fav clothes make - roxy
40. Fav shoe make - converse!

~HaVe YoU eVeR~

41. Smoked? nope
42. Drinked underage? umm yeah but not much
43. Done drugs? no way
44. Had sex? no
45. Had sex underage? underage? umm no lol
46. Stolen? when i was little i stole a candy bar hehe
47. Broke the law in any way? i dunno im sure i went over the speed limit lots of times
48. Stole someone elses boy/girlfriend? lol nope
49. Cheated on your partner? no way man
50. Lied to you parents? probably. like when i say im gonna be home at 12 and dont come home until 1! and about OC but thats all i can think of!
51. Lied to your friends? probably, but i try not 2!
52. Lied to your teachers? probably jeez what is with me :p
53. Bunked off school? umm sure
54. Seen a fist-fight? nope
55. Been in a fist fight/cat fight? nope
56. Had a slanging match? umm yeah sure..
57. Got in a car with someone you don't know? dont think so
58. Gone clubbing underage? lol no
59. Drove underage? dont think so!<br> 60. Snogged someone who's last name u didn't know? what!?
61. Snogged someone who's first name u didn't know? oh no way of course not!?
62. Been so drunk you couldn't stand up? no
63. Been cautioned by the police? nope
64. Listened in on a private conversation? dont think so...
65. Had a one-night stand? no


66. Cat/dog- both
67. McDonalds/Burger King- Bk
68. Metallica/Nirvana- neither
69. BBC 1/ITV- we dont have those chanels so i dont know!
70. Sky/Cable- cable?
71. MTV/VH-1- Mtv
72. Coke/Pepsi- vanilla coke but regular pepsi
73. Straight/gay- lol straight!
74. Black/white- depends
75. Left handed/right handed- wasnt this asked already? right
76. Mum/Dad- both!
77. Neighbours/Home & Away- umm?
78. North America/South America- north america!
79. Football/Rugby- football! cuz i have never seen or played rugby
80. Gold/silver- silver
81. CD's/cassettes- Cds
82. TV/cinema- movies
83. Video/dvd- dvd!
84. Glasses/contact lenses- neither
85. Brown hair/red hair- brown
86. Chinese/Italian- chinese, i like their food better :p
87. Ocean/sea- ocean
88. Sun/moon- moon
89. Plane/boat- boat
90. Early bird/night owl- night owl!
91. Jaguar/Mercades- celica! =)
92. Yellow/blue- blue
93. Windows/MAC- windows
94. Eminem/Dr Dre- eminem
95. Buffy/Angel- never seen either!
96. Basketball/Baseball- basketball!
97. Wax/shave- shave
98. Curly hair/straight hair- straight
99. Mars/Snickers- snickers!

thanks for the banner ben!
