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Psalm 23 Ger. Version

Psalm 23 Engl. Version

after using psalm 23  you can meditate with one of the 72 angels of mercury one rebirthing method is to breathe down your stomach as deep as you can breathe up your back only a little bit, keep it a circle wich is clockwise when you see the person from the right side looking to the right. YOu can also freely breathe into all body parts important is to breathe 3-7 times this techique before you breathe in again. SO what you do is breathe out as deep as possible and only in a little bit repeat this as mentioned above, four ours a day are really bringin you a lot of power an luck into your life. Also Ohm, Ohm Mani Padme Hum, Ohm Ah Hum, Hoea and the psalms 2000 angels are in the psalms like mercury, like freddy mercury, mercury steel, mercure hotels, for example 108 Angel Rehael like Rehabilitaion for health or angel Seeiah psalm 4 against war and all problems... Important as Beethoven,Fred vom Jupiter, Jupiter 6 Synth from Roland or Super Jupiter from Roland for example psalm 5,6,12,9,1 or the angels of saturn (Saturn Hansa Electronics Mall, 1,2,8,7,11 the arch angels are 18 Gabriel,19 Uriel, 20 Raphael, 21 Michael and much much more, use rebirthing wherever you are and you are also able to breathe away pain, good to fall asleep or against pain is to meditate with your eyes to the middle of your forehead, keeping them there, endorphines come into the brain and can be also be used to soothe even heavy pains in hospital by sending the chemicals by love to the brain receptors connected to the parts of boy which are injured, love into pain and first it becomes a little harder to show you the centre, but then pain melts away. Also good this method saves of sleeping pills, it takes about 20-30 minutes maximum holding the eye position to fall asleep. Always all day with all day prayer to become really powerfull like jesus or buddha visualize a purple shield of love containing all colours ... Use rebirthing breathing everywhere, you are experiencing a new broader, cleaner, fuller person in you, yourself grows and relaxes, we remember past memories and talents... eat only plants, its delicious... and more energy and proteins and sports power, sexual power no health problems 30-100 years more life span as seen in macrobiotics... dr norman walker, dr. franz konz (the big health konz, Sigmund Freud, C.G. Jung, Erich Fromm, Alice Miller, Adler, Reich, Buddha, Jesus, Paramahansa Yoganada, Sri Jukteswar, Babaji, love and life full of light may be with we are always ok when we pray all day and become a night of the lords light when we pray day and night... my god be with you always remember to clean your psalms autosuggestively so we ask god for friends and peace, love and enlightenment, so we consider our selves genious when we learn discipline use all virtues and do sport, praying all day, like a billionaire. Rather think we are all smart when we do with god and the angels what we love to do for the good of all, we all are geniouses, or i am happy and a genious, if you programm yourself other like i am like this and this we alter our programms to become such a person as we teach and train our selves... call the arch angels with the lesser banishing ritual, also give them thoughtfully your respect and work always with a lot of work for all what you can imagine.

 A Lesser Banishing Ritual

Kleines Pentagram Ritual

here some of the angels taken out of franz bardons works by Iris Rinkenbach... the rest of the medical report is going to follow

1.) Damabiah, Lord please  turn to us to us, have mercy of your servants . Meditate for 15 minutes with an angel and learn his abilities. Just take one with you every day.
       - Against black magic, for success, heal disease and wisdom -

     Damabiah Herr wende dich uns doch endlich zu hab Mitleid vor deinen Knechten

2.) Jeliel But you lord don't stay away from me you my strength fasten to help me.
- To amplify love, to get stolen goods back, within our Karma respect and wealth, against all sorts of riots on the planet easing tensions -
Jeliel: Du aber Herr Halte dich nicht fern, du meine Stärke eile mir zu Hilfe

3.) Hariel;  But my castle is the Lord, my God is the mountain of my retreat.
- To be liked by important people, against gossipers or heretics & much more -
Hariel; Doch meine Burg ist der Herr, Mein Gott ist der Berg meiner Zuflucht.

Vehuia -  You Lord are my Shild, my God you are my honour
- Will, trust, belief and understanding, success in any venue and to be enlightened with Gods Spirit -
Vehuhia- und Psalm 3 Vers 4: Du aber, Herr, bist ein Schild für mich, Du bist meine Ehre

Sitael; You my lord are retreat and castle for me, my God whom I trust in.
- Telepathy, akasha chronics, protection against all odds as weapons and dangerous animals -
Sitael- Psalm 91, Vers 2 Du bist für mich Zuflucht und Burg, mein Gott, dem ich vertraue.

Elemiah; Lord please look for me and save me, in your mercy come to help me.
- To control ones own destiny, to cover up traitors and against depression -
Elemiah - Psalm 6, Vers 5: Herr, wende Dich mir zu und errette mich, in deiner Huld bring mir Hilfe.

Mahasia; I searched for the Lord and he heard me, he took all fear away from me.
- For Peace in all Nations, wisdom, to understand the micro- and macro- cosmos, to heal all diseases -
Mahasia - Psalm 34, Vers 5: Ich suchte den Herrn, und er hat mich erhört, er hat mich all meinen Ängsten entrissen.


Lelahel; Sing for the Lord, he is throning on Zion, spread his wisdom to all Nations.
- For art and talents, Earths knowledge,  healing diseases and for enlightenment. -
Lelahel - Psalm 9, Vers 12: Singet dem Herrn, er thront auf dem Zion, verkündet unter den Völkern seine Taten!

Achaiah, The Lord is gracious and mercyfull, gentle and rich in love.
- To overcome obstacles,
gain friendship, patience and natures secrets. -
Achaiah - 103; 8 : Der Herr ist barmherzig und gnädig, langmütig und reich an Güte.

Kahetel ; Come let us fall on the floor, let us bow to him, let us knie down infront of GOD our creator!
- To understand the secrets of weather , for plants, to ask God for blessing to fight bad spirits and ghosts. -
- 95; 6: Kommt laßt uns niederfallen, uns vor ihm verneigen, laßt uns niederknien vor dem Herrn unserem Schöpfer!

Aziel; Think of your mercy Lord and of your loving  deeds because they exist for eternity.
- For material success and respect, peace with enemies, to gain respect of influencial people, to keep promises. -
Aziel - 25; 6: Denk an Dein Erbarmen, Herr und an die Taten Deiner Huld, denn sie bestehen seit Ewigkeit.

Aladiah; Let your mercy rule us Oh Lord because we look up to you.
- Alchemie, chemistry, occult anatomy of humans, to heal disease within karma. To get mercy. -
Aladiah - 33; 22: Laß Deine Güte über uns walten, o Herr, denn wir schauen aus nach Dir.

Lauvia; Praise the Lord. Hail my Mountain. The GOD of my salvation shall be raised high.
- To solve all problems, to ban enemies, calm down thunder and storm as well as to win. -
Lauviah - 18; 47: Es lebe der Herr! Mein Fels sei gepriesen. Der Gott meines Heils sei hoch erhoben.

Hahaia, Lord you're so far away, don't hide in times of need.
- To understand symbols, change enemies into friends, awareness of deep mystical secrets. Against all odds. -
Hahaiah - 10; 1: Herr warum bleibst du so fern, verbirgst Dich in Zeiten der Not?

15) Jezalel; Shout for Joy infront of the Lord, all Nations of Earth, be happy, cheer and sing!
- To be inspired as artists and writers. For the good success and to get recognition of successful people. Fast learning,friendship, loyal marriage, talent. -
Jezalel - 98; 4: Jauchzt vor dem Herrn, alle Länder der Erde, freut euch. Jubelt und singt!

Mebahel; So the lord becomes the fortress for the troubled, a fortress in times of need.
- For peaceplans, against injustice, infront of court. For jusitce and to protect our wealth -
Mebahel 9; 10: So wird der Herr für den Bedrückten zur Burg, zur Burg in Zeiten der Not

Hakamiah; Lord you God of my salvation, i scream for you day and night.
- Against infertility, traitors and helps to success but also frees from surpressors. -
Hakamiah - 88; 2: Herr Du Gott meines Heils zu Dir schreie ich am Tag und bei der Nacht.

)Lanoiah; Lord our ruler, how mighty is your name on Earth, across the heavens you spread your sovereignty.
- Inspires the sciences as technology, chemistry and electronics. Lets us discover the secrets of sounds to become successful with music. Against any depressions. -
Lanoiah - 8; 2: Herr, unser Herrscher, wie gewaltig ist dein Name auf der ganzen Erde, über den Himmel breitest du
deine Hoheit aus.

Kaliel; Lord because i am just, give me justice and do good to me because i am without guilt.
- Helps in mental need, teaches about minerals, herbs, and helps in good white magic. He also finds ous always help. -
Kaliel - 7; 9: Herr weil ich gerecht bin, verschaffe mir Recht, und tue an mir gutes, weil ich schuldlos bin!

Leuviah, I hope , yes i hope for the lord. Then he comes to me because he heard my calling.
- Raises intelligence, memory and common sense. Helps us to make up mistakes as well to prevent sins and to gain Gods mercy. -
Leuviah - 40; 2: Ich hoffe, ja ich hoffe auf den Herrn. Da neigt er sich mir zu und hört mein Schreien.

22) Jabamiah,  At the Beginning God created Heaven and Earth
- Helps ceremonial white magic and to enlightenment. He helps to invent, protects, strengthens and heals body and soul.

23) Pahaliah, Lord Protect my Life of liars, save me of false tongues.
Gives information about the religious systems and their godful ethic and moral on all levels. Helps against blasphemours and enemies of God to help all nations to understand and love God.

24) Nelekael, I my lord trust you, i say "you are my God!"

He inspires our occult writings, gives us lively imagination and leads to good literature.He helps us to become masters and teachers of Gods teachings. He gives us insight about jewlery and herbs in our meditaions and dreams. Protects us of backstabbers, black magic and bad spirits.

25) Melahel. The Lord protects you wherever you go for Eternity.

Teaches nature science, amplifies intuition also to understand it. Protects of weapons and gives security on our travels.

26) Hahuiah  They eye of god is on all who respectfully love him and seek his mercy

Hahuhia protects of wild animals and lets thieves give back their treasuries. Helps us to gain back lost respect and honour, as well the love and mercy of God.

27) Nith Haiah - Lord you are always with us especially in times of need.  (altered from "Lord why are you so far, hiding in times of need")

He teaches the secret mysteries of magic and cabalah. He shows us how to become a wise master of magic, protects us and lets us always uncover secrets.

28) Haaiah - Listen to the loving call of my heart Lord, i am going to always respect your  laws.

Helps to be just and receive justice. He, when we are right, lets us win courtcases. Uncovers treason and helps in diplomacy.

29) Jerathel - Protect me Lord from evil persons, shelter me of violent men.

He makes enemies and friends respectful and friendly. Our language abilities become better with him as well our understanding to gain success. He unvocers liars and criminals.

30) Seeiah - God please do not be far from me. Lord please come to my help.

He protects of war and dangers of any kind.

31) Reiiel - The lord is my compagnion, he always protects my  life.

Explains the cosmic harmony as well as the interrelations of powers. He enables us to understand big concepts of reality, he protects us of blasphmey and enemies of religion. He saves of invisible enemies.

32) Omael  - Lord you are my happyness, my hope from youth on

Omael teaches the knowledge about animals and lets us become their friends while giving them health. He enspires and enlightens us with talents of healing and helps against depressions, hopelessness and gives us patience.

33) Lekabel - I want come to Gods temple our Lord. I only want to glorify his just and big achievements.

While teaching alchemy, he supports our abilities in talking, clear voyance and helps us to enlighten.


Vasariah - The word of the lord is truth all his doing as reliable.

He inspires us multiply and protects us. He helps us to truth and justice, he promotes our talent and supports us against any injust attacks.

35) Jehuiah The Lords advice exist forever, the his loving plans stand for eternity

Helps to succeed in tests and to find friends. He stimulates inner intuitions and eradicates treason and theft, aswell to uncover enemies and traitors.

36) Lehahiah - Israel, stand for the Lord from now to eternity.

Lehahiah protects us of bad weather and on travels, he calms down any storm or anger.

37)  Kevakiah - I love the lord he always listens to my prayer.

He brings peace to the nations and protects of any dangerous influences. He helps us to make peace with the ones we had fights with.

38) Menadel - Lord I love the place where you are, the temples of your magnificence.

Menadel helps when we are emprisoned and teaches astrology, spagyric and alchemy as well the usage of healing herbs. He protects our position and wealth.

39) Aniel - God of us all, give us strength let us understand you then we have help from you.

He inspires arts, compositions, peotry and drama. He increases our talent to write easy about difficult topics of all kinds. He gives us the strength to win and helps to free from siege.

40) Haamiah - The lord is your retreat, you chose the highest for protection.

Helps to fulfill all wishes that make life on earth and destiny easyer. He strengthens us in our work to find inner and outer riches. He makes us reach all treasures of heaven and earth.

41) Rehael - Listen to me Lord, please  be gracious God and be my helping hand.

Like Rehabilitation, he heals disease and helps us against drug abuse. He protects our families and children and stimulates healing powers against all disease.

42) Ieiazel - Why am i not closer to you lord and why do cover your face from us all?

He helps us out of injust prison and out of the power from enemies. He can change them to friends and eradicates disharmonies in our souls. He stimulats talent and helps to success. He consols us and helps out of difficult relations.

43) Hahahel -
Lord Protect my Life of liars, save me of false tongues.

He strengthens trust, also into God and helps against sinners and slanderers.

44) Mikael - The Lord protects you of all evil he shelters your life.

Mikael supports good politics and diplomacy while giving us the ability to foresee. Seucure travels are guaranteed. He uncovers cospiracies.

45) Vebuiah - Lord i send you my love, every morning i come to you with my prayer.

He heals wounds and inspires healing powers. Protects us of enemies and lets us see through their plans as long there is no abuse of the knowledge. He eredicates enemies and frees form slavery and repression.

46)  Ielahiah - Lord please take  my love to you and teach me your decissions.

Ielahiah helps to success and magic healing powers. He lets our courtcases and businesses run well.

47) Sealiah - Wenn i am in danger please come and help me  Lord whom I love.

He gives us justice and lets us become masters. He convicts evil people and leads their to humility. He lifts up the low ones and fallen ones.

48) Ariel - The Lord is good to all, his mercy rules all his works

He cleanses us und teaches us the gift of prophecy, as well to understand natures concept. He gives us revelations.

49) Asaliah - Lord your achievements are so much! You made them with wisdom, Earth is full of your beings.

He gives us ballance and lawfulness . He also teaches our previous lives. He stimulates friendship and justice for all. He helps to honour God and find enlightenment.

50) Mihael - The Lord has spread his blessings showing them to us all, he uncovered his just work infront of all nations eyes.

Mihael helps against infertility and teaches alchemy. He can help us to alter cheap metals into valuable ones. He supportf friendship and loyalty. He promotes peace and harmony between partners and friends. He protects our children.

51) Vehuel - Giant is our lord and we should cherish him highly, his size is undiscoverable.

Vehuel teaches the akasha chronicle und helps against sadness and leads to a worryless and peaceful live. He gives peace to our souls.

52) Daniel - The lord is gracious and mercyful, patient and rich in kindness.

He supports the godful virtues and increases intuition und the ability to judge. He helps to find mercy and love of God.

53) Hahasiah - The magnificence of our God lasts eternally, he should be happy about his works.

Hahasiah teaches the holy sciences like astrophysics, astrochemichs, alchemy, magic and the kabbalah.  He amplifies our healing abilities and lifts up our souls to understand all mysteries.

54) Imamiah - I want to thank our lord, he ist just in his  name, i want to praise and play for the highest.

Imamiah helps us to have fun and god talk. He is able to free us out of emprisonment as far as our karma allows. He eradicates the power of enemies and protects our  escape or time in prison.

55) Nanael - Lord I know your decissions are just you made me your helping hand because you lovingly care for me.

Nanael teaches how to care propperly about animals. He develops our spiritual growth.

56) Nithael - The Lord has build his throne in heavens, his loving might brings the Universe forward.

Nithael stimulates our talents when we dedicated us to higher ideals, then he helps us succeed and become sympathized. He leads us to Gods mercy and strengthens us for a long life.

57) Mebaiah -  You lord throne for ever your name is lasting through all generations.

He helps us to success, honour, enlightenment and consolation. He helps us to God children when we want any and protects them.

58) Poiel - The lord backs all the who fall and lifts up the broken ones.

He helps us to all what we need in our Jobs and our lives.

59) Nemamiah - All who love the lord, trust him he is your helper and your shield.

He teaches technological understanding and helps us to invent. He increases intuition and teaches the secrets of alteration. He secure success and frees out of emprisonment.

60) Jeialel - My soul is troubled, but you lord give me shelter. (from - my soul is deeply disturbed, but you lord, how long do you need to help me)

He teaches magic and lets us grow to masters of all spheres. He protects us of depressions and heals all diseases.

61) Harahel - From sunrise to nightfall the name of the lord should be praised.

Harahel he helps to give birth and protects the bearing. He gifts us with insights about stock  markets and helps us to have brave and calm children while letting them unfold their souls freely.

62) Mizrale - Just is our Lord in all what he does, he his full of passion.

Religious science and its philosophy is taught by him, but also skills in our profession. He heals all mental and physical diseases and frees us of those who hunt us.

63) Umabel -The name of the lord shall be praised from now to eternity.

He increases wisdom and a satisfied life and find the friendship of men and woman.

64) Jah- Hel - Look lord how much i love your laws, in your mercy increase my strenght.

He helps to a good relation to animals and helps to concentrate in our meditation to find and develop our godish virtues to gain wisdom.

65) Anianuel - Serve the lord with love and turn to him in times of need  (from Serve the lord in fear and kiss his feet in earthquakes)

He heals our disease, helps in trade and moneybusiness as well to realize inventions. He protects of all accidents and diseases.

66) Mehiel - But the eyes of the lord see all who love and honour him, the ones who look for his kindness.

He lifts all universal secrets and protects of all ugly things.

67) Manakael - Lord don't leave me, do not stay far my God!

He treats all diseases connected to the moon influence. He helps to find lost things and to calm Gods anger while healing Epilepsia.

68) Eiaiel - Be happy about the Lord. He gives you all what your heart craves for.

He leads us on the way of perfection, enlightenment, honour and respect. He consolates in difficult times to gain wisdom.

69) Habuiah - Thank the lord he is loving and his mercy lasts for ever.

Habuiah helps to heal and keeps us healthy.

70) Rochel - The lord is gracious and just, he is always mercyfull.

He grants justice and helps us to find lost things.

71) Haiel -  I want to praise the lord with a strong voice, cherish him infront of all.

He amplifies our magic and leads out of difficult situations. He uncovers bad people and frees us of those who surpress us. He leads to God so we can enjoy his protection.

72) Mumiah - Come calm down my heart, the lord did good to you.

Mumiah helps to heal and in intellectual aspects. He helps us to build the stone of the wise and in alchemy. He leads our mystic works to success.