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key points:

Notice the steering wheel is bent. I did that with my FACE ##ouch##. The green bars on the top of the car comprise a bike rack I made. They say I would have died had it not been for the extra support it rendered. Speaking of death, they had a bodybag out for me. It took them 45 minutes to extract my body from my car. Two ministers stood beside my car the entire time praying for me. They shut down the road for 3hrs. That says alot because it was 4 lanes. The force of the crash was so violent that it crushed pills inside a bottle. It crushed my gas tank at least two inches. I don't have a CLUE why it didnt catch fire. Nobody was riding with me and YES I had my seatbelt on. I don't remember the accident. I was knocked out on impact. Rather, I WASN'T knocked out, but I had an air bubble in my brain at that point. I'm not even certain how I made it out alive, but I will make a full recovery over time except for the 6 plates and 39 screws holding everything together in my face. I will look the same as I always did. On a theological note, I'm trying not to ask the questions like "why me?","why didnt I die",ect. It could have been a much different outcome from an accident like this and frankly, I think I'm the luckiest (and strongest) person out there. Speaking of strong, nurses kept asking me if I wanted morphine in the hospital. I kept telling them to give me an asprin instead. I was taking percs after I got out to help me sleep for the first few nights. Spose I'll throw the rest away.

On a few of the pictures taken through the drivers side window, you can see where my blood SPRAYED across the dashboard and console. Also I find it amazing the passanger side door window DIDN'T BREAK. If you look close you can see the window is INTACT, wound down. Also in that picture, you can see my speedometer broke on impact. It looks like its around 35 or 45 mph.

Sorry the page doesnt look nice. Frankly, this is the hardest site I've ever made and I just wanted to get it done. Sometimes, these images are hard to look at. It's like looking at a steel coffin at times, although I'm considering keeping the car as a conversation piece. Maybe someday I'll come back and clean it up.


click an image to see it closer:

CLICK HERE-- for a few pix of me a few days after I got out of the hospital. Weak stomaches beware.