He was tired.



Completely dead to Coruscant after all the extra training Obi-Wan had decided to put him through, and it wasn't fair.

Katas till he dropped, laps until he collapsed, and if he didn't know better he would think that Obi-Wan was trying to kill him through exhaustion. Though no one could prove murder if Anakin just one day dropped dead from too much intensive exercise. It would be passed off as Skywalker trying show off yet again with how much he's able to do.

But if murder was they key, his Master could probably just very well stab him in front of the entire Jedi Council and it would be excused and labelled an "accident".

Perfect Obi-Wan.

That's what got him into his punishments anyway.

And it wasn't his fault! For how was he to know that scowling (albeit in jealousy and anger) when that woman had grabbed Obi-Wan's ass (he probably had nail marks) was a sign of intergalactic hostility that had nearly gotten him killed?

The only thing that had saved him was by the grace of Obi-Wan and his ever calm negotiations.

The lecture he had gotten on their trip back home however, was less than calm.

And thus his punishments. The other, Obi-Wan felt that he needed galactic sensitivity training if he couldn't be bothered to read the mission briefings. Because then he would have *known* that scowling was "bad".

Stupid Obi-Wan.

If he hadn't gotten himself molested in the first place none of this would have been happening.

Grumbling about injustices, Anakin somehow managed to tug most of his clothes off before falling unceremoniously into his bed.

He was so tired.

Closing his eyes, he started drifting off when he thought he heard the door to his room slide open.



The bed dipped as Obi-Wan sat down. Anakin smiled into his pillow as a warm hand ran across his back and fingers traced his spine.

He loved those hands on his skin. It wasn't often it happened in such long moments. A pat on the back here, a hand on his shoulder there; he also tended to be quite clothed when that happened. He treasured these moments.

"You know I'm not particularly fond of these punishments aren't you?"

"Then don't punish me. 'Sides wasn't that bad..."

"You nearly caused an interplanetary incident."

"No differnt then you and that Hoi Broth..."

Obi-Wan tightened his grip on Anakin shoulder as the boy gave his pillow a cheeky smile. He was about to retort about Obi-Wan's grip when he felt a pair of lips touch the back of his neck.

"Master?" Anakin questioned, rolling over onto his back to face Obi- Wan.

"I could feel your jealousy on the planet Padawan. And I think you do need that shielding lecture."

Anakin looked away as the colour started rising to his cheeks.

"You could have kept her off me."

That peaked his interest. "How?"

Anakin jumped in shock as Obi-Wan pressed their lips together. The sensation that was his lips and beard caused tremors to run down Anakin's spine as he remembered his one stolen kiss only to be replaced by this. Obi-Wan moaned and gently trailed his tongue along his Padawan's plump bottom lip.

Anakin opened his mouth curiously and gave in to the deepening kiss, dragging his hand up over Obi-Wan's bare shoulders to tangle them into his soft hair.

Sometime during the next few seconds that followed, blankets were pushed aside and clothes removed.

"My beauitful Padawan..." Obi-Wan murmered into Anakin's skin as his lips trailed down his neck, his tongue brushed against collarbone.

Anakin arched and bit his lip as teeth worried his left nipple and hands trailed down his smooth stomach to caress his thighs. Obi-Wan licked, nipped, and bit his way down Anakin's chest. With one final nip to his hip, he brough his fingers to his mouth.


Anakin couldn't think, only feel. Everything he wanted was currently in his bed moving over him, Obi-Wan was everything.

Anakin gasped when two wet fingers pressed against his entrance. He hissed and arched as Obi-Wan slid one finger passed the tight ring of muscle into his body.

"Just relax."

He moved his hips against the intrusion, trying to adjust to it; it was the oddest feeling of being opened; and when Obi-Wan pressed in a second finger he could feel himself being streched further apart.

Obi-Wan brought his fingers out slowly and pushed them back in at the same pace, crooking his fingers upwards as they slid deeper inside of his Padawan. He smiled as Anakin arched and cried out.

Anakin gasped and tried to push himself more onto Obi-Wan's fingers. White bursts of light erupted behind his eyes when he touched him like that. He started struggling for air as Obi-Wan repeatedly worked his prostate and he felt warm lips wrap around the head of his penis.

He was going to come soon, he could feel it. If Obi-Wan kept swirling his tongue around his tip and up the underside of his cock, this wasn't going to last long. He was reaching his peak.

And then it stopped. Just like that, Obi-Wan pulled away and took his fingers out of Anakin.

Anakin whimpered in disappointment at the loss, but his whimper quickly became a gasp as Obi-Wan pulled them both up in a sitting position. He briefly entertained the thought of what sitting would feel like after Obi-Wan buried himself deep inside his body.

A tongue on his neck and lips under his ear and he was lost again. Groaning as a warm hand cupped his balls and the other wrapped around his straining cock, smearing its leaking pre-cum with a thumb.

Anakin started thrusting his hips as his Master stroked and squeezed him in an unfaltering rhythm. He rocked hard trying to increase the pressure and friction while trailing his hands down Obi-Wan's chest. The faint light in the room glinted off the metal of his right arm.



Anakin blinked through his lust fogged haze and took one of his hands from Obi-Wan. As his Master trailed kissed down his neck, Anakin stared at his arm of durasteel.

Admist the pleasure from his body and the rising horror in his mind, everything was starting to get blurry as one thought ran through his mind.

His arm was metal. Where flesh and bone should have been, there wasn't.


He trembled hard as Obi-Wan's hands caressed him.

Please no.

And he came.


Anakin awoke in a trembling mess. Blankets twisted around him as he struggled to get out of their sweaty embrace. Pushing himself up quickly and drawing air into his shaking lungs, he tried reaching out to the Force to help calm his erratic thoughts and bring him back into focus.

It was a dream.

He ghosted his right *human* hand over the wet spot between his legs.

Just a dream.

His shoulders slumped.

Anakin looked around his empty bedroom dejectedly, left with nothing but phantom touches and sticky sheets.

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