Part 5: Reunion

Anakin dropped Obi-Wan's hand and lunged through the passers-by effortlessly. His mother dropped her packages and headed for her son, but she had made it only a few steps when he was sweeping her into his arms.

"Ani. Is it you?"

"I'm here, Mom."

For a timeless moment, they held each other. She shouldn't have recognized him, Shmi realized, this man so far removed from the boy she had known. But she did, unerringly. Her heart knew, just as it had always known she would see him again.

Movement over each of their shoulders brought them out of their full embrace, though they each kept an arm around the other.

"Cliegg," Shmi said to the rough, but kind-looking, man who eyed them as he picked up the last of the packages she had dropped. "This is Anakin." The pride in her voice was incandescent, and it seemed to light understanding in the man's eyes. "Anakin, this is Cliegg Lars," Shmi went on. "My husband." There was undeniable happiness in that declaration, too.

"Your husband?"

Anakin's incredulous question brought a smile to Shmi's lips. "Long story."

"Hello," Obi-Wan's warm voice drew the little group's attention as he stepped up to them.

"Mom, this is Obi-Wan Kenobi. My Master."

"Your Master? But-"

"Long story."

Mother and son looked at each other for another long moment, drinking each other in, until Cliegg's voice brought them back to reality.

"We need to be getting home, Shmi."

"Oh, of course, of course. But Anakin, Master Kenobi, you must come with us, have Evening Meal with us." She seemed to realize suddenly that this might not be possible, though, and pulled her arm away from her son. "Unless you're on urgent business?" Only her eyes betrayed her hopes that they weren't.

"Actually, we were looking for shelter for the night."

"You must stay with us," Cliegg's rusty voice insisted immediately. The look in his wife's eyes when she turned to him told him that he had done the right thing.

"We would be honored," Obi-Wan accepted the invitation before his Padawan could have even a moment of doubt. The look in Anakin's eyes when he turned to his Master told him that he had done the right thing.

"I'll go and retrieve the ship," the Master instructed his Padawan. "You go with your mother. I'll see you soon."

Cliegg took a moment to give him directions, while Anakin and his mother drifted off towards the Lars' skimmer, arm in arm. As he listened, Obi-Wan found himself watching them. He knew in some distant, logical part of his brain that his apprentice was not supposed to have such attachments, but watching Anakin lower his head to hear his mother, while she leaned against him, both obviously thrilled by this unexpected turn of events – it felt perfect.

A short time later, Obi-Wan found himself being led into a below- ground courtyard by an overly talkative droid. The coolness of the shade within was a welcome relief, as was the departure of the droid.

Anakin and Shmi were sitting at a table tucked in a shady alcove. Obi-Wan drew near, then stood uncertainly in the doorway, watching his apprentice interact with his mother, in obvious bliss. After a moment, Shmi noticed him.

"Oh, Master Kenobi, please, come sit with us."

"Thank you," Obi-Wan bowed as he slid into a chair. "But please, call me Obi-Wan."

"If you will call me Shmi."

He smiled his agreement.

"Anakin told me about what happened to Qui-Gon," Shmi said, lowering the smiles on all three faces. "My deepest condolences for your loss. He was a good man."

"Yes, he was. Thank you," Obi-Wan replied automatically, wondering just how much his apprentice had told her.

"And thank you, for enabling my son to become all I ever dreamed." Shmi smiled again, her eyes shining.

"Yes, you should be very proud. I expect he will make Knight very soon."

Anakin, who had been gazing fondly and tolerantly on his mother as she cupped his face in her hands, shifted to stare wide-eyed at his Master. But before he could speak, footsteps sounded on the stairs, and all eyes turned to find a young couple entering.

"Owen, Beru!" Shmi gushed. "You'll never guess who's here!"

As introductions were exchanged, Cliegg entered, carrying a tray laden with food. Soon the six humans were eating and chatting comfortably. In the midst of it, Obi-Wan had a flash of very un- Jedi-like understanding: this was Family.

Afterwards, as the suns dipped toward the horizon and the temperature fell, Shmi showed the two Jedi to a tiny room with a single cot. The walls were lined with shelves covered in spare parts and supplies.

"I'm sorry this is all we have."

"It's fine, Mom, thanks." Anakin kissed his mother's temple one more time before she left. While he was reluctant to let her out of his sight, he was anxious enough to be alone with his Master to overcome it.

"Did you mean it?" the apprentice asked, turning to his Master as soon as the door had closed on his mother.

"Mean what?" Obi-Wan asked, digging his light saber out from its hiding place.

"That I'm almost ready for the Trials."

"Oh, that. Well, I may have a personal bias in the matter," Obi-Wan smiled up at his apprentice from where he sat on the cot, tugging off his boots, "but you are the most gifted Jedi I have ever known. And lately I've seen signs of a growing maturity to match your talents. So, yes, I think you are almost ready."

Anakin listened quietly, then ducked his head to hide the huge smile that burst onto his face at this announcement. "I'm glad to hear you say that, Master."

"I never would have guessed," Obi-Wan deadpanned.

Anakin chuckled. "I have only you to thank, Master. Obi-Wan." Obi- Wan looked up at the change in the tone of his apprentice's voice on that last word, to find Anakin towering over him, his eyes smoldering. "But I don't believe I've thanked you properly today."

Obi-Wan met his apprentice with open arms as, in one smooth motion, Anakin pressed them both to the mattress.

"I want you, Obi-Wan," Anakin breathed against his Master's neck, his hands already working at the thankfully few layers of cloth that stood between them. "Tell me you want me."

"Oh, Anakin, yes," the older man gasped as warm hands reached his skin. His eyes were closed, but the rest of his senses were awash in sensation. Like a coiled snake finally allowed to strike, he felt his desire surge at his Padawan's onslaught. His heart lurched in his chest, his erection sprang to life, his skin began to tingle all over. Memories of their last encounter rose up in his mind's eye, encouraging him, enticing him. He had felt like this just before the flash.

But it was clear this would be no sweet interlude as before. As soon as Anakin heard his Master's acquiescence, he rose up to kneel beside his Master. Twisting his hand in the material of Obi-Wan's trousers, he pulled them off in one swift move. The older man had to hang on to the edge of the cot to keep from being tossed across the room with his pants. Anakin didn't seem to notice; his hands were immediately on the bare skin of his Master's thighs, pushing them apart as he maneuvered himself between them.

"I've been wanting to do this all day," the young Jedi said huskily, as his hands moved up to open his Master's tunic, explore more bared skin. "Thinking about it. About you." While one hand stayed to caress the older man's chest, the other wandered down to the catch of his own trousers.

Obi-wan lay writhing under these brisk, powerful ministrations, captivated by his Padawan, whose eyes stared at his body like a starving man looks at steak. He felt objectified, realized he was merely a conduit for the overflowing happiness his Padawan felt after the day's unexpected events. He was being used.

It wasn't exactly a sacrifice.

Anakin had managed to free his throbbing erection one-handed, and now slid his hand lightly down its length as he aimed the tip at the crux of his Master's legs, which were raising and spreading for him. Just as Obi-Wan was about to, reluctantly, interrupt, Anakin raised his other hand. A moment later, a jug of oil slapped against his palm, swept from its shelf with the Force of his need. His only objection satisfied, Obi-Wan watched eagerly as his Padawan flipped open the cap, and poured out a generous portion.

"Mmmm," the Master sighed as he felt the liquid sliding down his testicles and onward. He followed it up with a gasp as the stream was met and dammed by the blunt head of Anakin's penis, which was then used as an applicator to spread the warm, slick fluid around. And around and around, firmly and thoroughly stimulating every nerve in Obi-Wan's groin. Obi-Wan's hands gave up their firm grasp on the cot in favor of an equally firm hold behind his knees, as he pulled himself as wide open as possible, desperate now.

"Take me, Anakin. Fill me," he whispered, surprised to find himself breathless already. Equally surprising was the ease with which his Padawan fulfilled his needs.

"Oh, yeah," Anakin breathed, as with one smooth stroke he buried himself in his Master's tight passage. If he had looked down, he would have seen Obi-Wan's mouth wide open in a silent, incredulous scream of raw pleasure.

But he didn't look down, so focused was he on the incredible sensations that roared along his skin, up his spine, down his cock. Sweat broke out on his chest and back, the sudden coolness a distinct contrast to the burning heat he felt inside. His lip curled, his eyes closed, his hands sought for purchase, for leverage on Obi-Wan's smooth body. They found it in a firm double grasp of his buttocks, used it to lift that body up to meet him as he pulled almost out and then plunged in again.

Obi-Wan jerked under him so hard that Anakin almost fell over. He had to steady himself against the wall beside the cot, opening his eyes as he did so, meeting Obi-Wan's wide gaze.

It was like a second physical connection was completed between their bodies. Suddenly it was all about their love, as the heretofore quiet Force burst into life around them like fireworks.

"Oh, Obi-Wan, love you."

"Love you, Anakin. Please!"

Anakin's smile was filled with relief and love and desire. Once again he lifted his Master's body to meet him as he thrust in, less roughly this time, but with no less ardor. Even as he did so, he could feel the orgasm gathering inside him, pulsing deep, throbbing as it moved toward release, then bursting out of his cock and into the deep recesses of his Master's body.

Still he continued to thrust, letting his pleasure wash over him in waves, mesmerized by the sight of Obi-Wan writhing in obvious ecstasy beneath him. He stopped only when the thick white streams of his Master's own pleasure subsided.

For a long time they just looked at each other, sharing contented smiles, considering rearranging their bodies so they could kiss but too languid to actually do it. They could feel the Force energy that was the physical embodiment of their love draining slowly away. As it did, the underlying Force currents of the planet were revealed.

Both sensed the danger a moment before they heard the scream.

End Part 5

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