
"The pleasure would be mine my young apprentice," Obi-Wan replied as he reached over to run an finger down Anakin's cheek, letting it brush lightly across the soft lips, sucking in a breath as Anakin wrapped his lips around the digit,sucking it deep into his mouth, running his tongue across the appendage.

"You have learned well the use of the tongue Anakin," he managed, knowing his voice was even more breathless as his padawan released his finger and turned his hungry gaze to his chest. "Why don't you put that knowledge to use and show me what else you've learned," he finished, watching as Anakin's eyes grew even darker with desire.

Padme felt her throat go dry as the sexual tension built between the two men, their intense, desire filled gazes enough to send arousal again coursing through her body. She found herself growing frustrated however as Obi-Wan and Anakin continued to stare at each other, making no move to touch again. She usually could tell when they were talking mentally, but she did not sense that connection this time.

She decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Anakin, I do believe your master just gave you an order, are you going to follow it like a good Jedi padawan?" she teased, her voice huskier than before as she saw the slight spark of amusement light those beautiful orbs.

Obi-Wan bit back his laughter at her words, knowing it was now up to his padawan to determine where things went next. He would be a willing teacher, but he wanted to make sure Anakin wanted what he did.

// Be sure my young apprentice, because there is no going back //

Anakin smiled as the thought wound its way into his head, his master's eyes glowing with desire as he watched the emotions play across his face. His body was now aching unbearably at the thought of being allowed free rein of his master's body. The thought of running his lips across that hard chest, his mouth and tongue learning those perfectly sculpted muscles, drew a small groan from deep in his throat as his body tightened even more.

// I am sure, Master //

Obi-Wan felt his desire swell and harden even more as he felt the acknowledgement and acceptance flowing from the Force surrounding his padawan. He smiled as he leaned over and pulled Anakin closer, moving so they were both kneeling at the foot of the bed, in perfect view of Padme.

The young Senator licked her lips as she watched the scene in front of her, feeling her own nerves screaming as she waited for them to close the distance between them. She had never thought seeing these two men together would arouse her. She had thought wrong.

Anakin smiled as he sensed his wife's pleasure at the sight of them, then turned his attention to Obi-Wan, who waited patiently for him to follow orders.

"As you wish, Master. Let me show you what I've learned," he rasped, and reached out to run his fingers across Obi-Wan's cheeks, delighting in his master's soft moan. Letting his fingers move to Obi-Wan's lips, he gasped when his earlier action was repeated, as Obi-Wan drew the digit into his mouth, using his tongue to stroke and caress.

Anakin couldn't take this slow torture much longer, feeling again the intense need of his master's kiss. With a low moan, he pulled back just far enough to wrap his arms around Obi-Wan's neck, pulling him tightly to him as he captured his lips.

Their moans mingled on the night air as tongues and teeth met in a deep kiss. Obi-Wan sighed, letting his padawan lead, amazed at the desire flowing through him like a molten river. He reached for Anakin, letting his hands run across his hard chest, sculpting the muscles with light touches as he continued to devour his young padawan's mouth.

Anakin could barely think as his hands roamed over Obi-Wan's chest, the touch of heated skin against heated skin driving him crazy with want. Managing to pull his lips away, be began kissing and licking his way across his master's neck, down to his throat, enjoying the low moan his actions dragged from Obi-Wan.

His master tasted like nothing he had ever known before. Spicy and heated and deliciously forbidden. He couldn't help nipping at Obi-Wan's pulse point, letting his fingers roam to the small male nipples. He smiled as he heard another moan as he began to stroke and pull at them with his fingers, amazed that he, the padawan, was inciting this desire in his master.

// You are learning very well Anakin. I am very pleased with your progress //

Anakin smiled at the breathless mental praise as he allowed his mouth to roam lower, tonguing his master's nipples, biting lightly as the body against him shuddered in pleasure. Repeating the move, he gasped as he felt Obi-Wan's hands suddenly fist in his short hair, grasping his padawan braid and tugging his face up to his.

"It is now my turn to reward you my very talented young padawan," he whispered hoarsely, reaching out to run his fingers across Anakin's neck and collarbone, delighting in the way the young man's head fell back against his neck. Smiling, he took his tongue on a wet trail from the curve of his throat down the hard planes of his chest.

Anakin moaned in ecstasy as he felt Obi-Wan's hot tongue licking over his heated skin. Reaching to wrap his arms tightly around his back, he pulled his master closer, arching against him as Obi-Wan gently began to tug and lick at his nipples. He cried out at the bolt of sensation that shot through him, straight to his groin as his master used his hands to sweep over his lower back, all while sucking a small nipple tightly.

"Master," he moaned, hands now running up and down the smooth skin of his back, feeling Obi-Wan shudder against him. He gasped as he felt those roving hands suddenly dip lower. He begged mentally and verbally for more.

Obi-Wan smiled, finally allowing his hands to come to rest on his padawan's desire. He was smooth and hot against his bare palms, but extremely hard and aroused. Using a gentle touch, Obi-Wan began to stroke him, delighting in the feel and texture. He groaned under his breath as he felt his padawan suddenly arch strongly into him, pressing against his lower body.

Unable to stop the moan of desire, Obi-Wan rubbed himself against Anakin's thigh, hearing his padawan cry out at the sensation. He increased his strokes, feeling Anakin swell and grow larger, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he slowly strove for his climax.

Anakin could feel nothing but his master's hands on him, his hardness pressing against his thigh. He arched deeper into Obi-Wan's hands, moaning as his master anticipated the move and lengthened his strokes to meet him at a better angle. He bit his lip, knowing he could not hold out much longer, wondering only if the pleasure could get more intense.

Obi-Wan smiled as he picked up on the thought.

Before Anakin could do more than gasp, Obi-Wan pushed him backwards so he now lay sprawled across the foot of the bed, spread out in all his naked glory. He shot a quick glance at Padme, moaning as he saw her slumberous eyes locked on them, her hands gliding over her body, stroking herself as she watched.

"Now Padawan, allow me to show you complete and utter pleasure," Obi-Wan whispered, feeling his arousal nearly burst as Padme's low moan mingled with Anakin's rapid breathing. Without a moment's hesitation, he leaned down and took Anakin's length deep into his mouth.

Anakin cried out as he arched against his master, sensations slamming into his body as Obi-Wan slowly stroked him with tongue and teeth. Nothing had ever felt quite like this, this heated suction, the flutter and press of a heated tongue, the look in his master's eyes as they remained locked on his face as he continued this captivating torment.

Obi-Wan moaned against Anakin's hardness, knowing the vibrations would pleasure him even more. His own release was nearly upon him, but he forced it back, knowing this time, this first time, his concentration must center on his padawan. Anakin was learning a lesson, and he must see it through to the end.

Relaxing his muscles, he took a deep breath and then took Anakin's hardness even deeper into his throat. Sucking and licking with an intense rhythm, he watched as his padawan's eyes slammed shut, his body arching heavily into his mouth, desire overwhelming him.

"Let it go Ani, please!"

Padme's hoarse whisper was what finally sent Anakin over the edge.

With a hoarse cry of "Master!" he felt release slam into him. Unable to do more than fly with the feeling, he arched several times against Obi-Wan's mouth, feeling his master drinking in his release, swallowing everything he had to give. The sensation was incredible, almost indescribable as he floated on the waves, only barely realizing when Obi-Wan released him, his hands stroking soothingly over his chest, his mind sending mental waves of encouragement and love to him, reinforcing the feelings now cloaking his body.

Obi-Wan knew he had never seen anything as beautiful as Anakin's release. And while his own body was still tight and hard with a nearly unbearable desire, he knew it was worth it to have put that look on his padawan's face. He'd waited many years to see it, and now that he had, he was not disappointed.

Padme could barely speak, the sight of her husband's spent body draped across her feet nearly undoing her. She had felt her desire growing along with theirs as she had watched Obi-Wan caress her husband. The sight of him taking Anakin's hardness deep into his mouth, watching the way his cheeks hollowed out with each breath, able to clearly see the desire in his eyes, the ecstasy in her husbands, had brought about her own climax.

Sighing, she relaxed back against the sheets as she watched Anakin begin to recover, his eyes smiling into Obi-Wan's before turning to her.

"Did you enjoy this lesson, Padme?" he asked, knowing perfectly what her reply would be, but wanting to hear her say it anyways. The sight of her flushed features and wild eyes was also serving to stir pleasure in him again.

"It was beautiful," she admitted honestly, her eyes suddenly turning dark and mysterious as she brought a finger to her lips thoughtfully. "Although, I see we are left with a rather large problem Anakin," she offered, turning her now contemplative gaze towards Obi-Wan, who was still kneeling at the foot of the bed, a small smile on his face, his manhood standing hard and straight against his stomach.

Anakin followed his wife's gaze, feeling another surge of desire flow through him as he realized while he and Padme had allowed Obi-Wan to show them pleasure, he had refused to take his own. It was a selfless task, one definitely suited to the type of man his master was. And while Anakin had often criticized him for that selflessness, tonight, it was time to show his master how much he could appreciate it.

"I see what you mean my dear," he replied to his wife's words, exchanging a long gaze with her, realizing exactly what she was hoping he would suggest.

"Very well then Master Jedi," Padme began, rising to her knees, allowing him a perfect view of her naked body. "I believe it is time for the final test, to make sure both Anakin and I are clear on how to pleasure each other," she began, slowly moving towards him with a feral gleam in her eyes.

"My wife is right master. And it is the duty of an obedient padawan to show his master everything he has learned from him," Anakin added, rising to his knees as well, desire once again darkening his eyes as he sensed his master's excitement through both their mental bond, and the rapidly rising and falling chest he observed before him.

Obi-Wan swallowed hard, every muscle in his body tensing as both Padme and Anakin moved towards him. He could clearly sense what they wanted, and it sent a fresh bolt of desire through his body.

He only wondered if he had the strength to withstand them both.


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