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Yeah, I feel ur pain....the poem is gone...
Feast ur imaginations on this...

You work at a local night club and its been a long day...
You've been pleasing everyone's beckoning call
Serving for about 10hours
It's past 2am and u just want to punch that clock & go...

but u can't....
Your boss comes up to you and informs you of a last-minute costume party
frustrated, u take the silly costume knowing that ur job
(as well as ur rent, electricity, gas, etc)
depended on it... So u walk into the changing room...'s nothing special...more like a janitorial closet...
Dark, bleek, cold, leaky, know
nevertheless, this is ur job @ u begin to strip...
not to long after you've removed your pants & shirt you feel a stong grip on ur bare shoulder...
You take it for granted it's just one of your buddies screwin' around with ya so u think nothing of it
until the grip gets stronger...
Almost painful
It's then u realize this is no joke...

Someone wants you dead

You're wrestled...almost thrown to the ground
the dark room spins around you and u become disoriented--confused..
suddenly, there's a sharp pain in the back of your head
Not deadly...but u feel a suction...a vacuum effect
for an instant, it feels soothing.....
suddenly...a clock appears before your eyes
It moves ever so're amazed by it
that is...until u recognize that the "massaging" suction before....
has now become a violent turbulance in the back of ur head now sucking out every once of your so-called "life force"
u then realize ur sudden fatigue and link it to the clock
you only have seconds's the last moments of your life...
First, you're angry over the fact ur life hasn't flashed before your've got this stupid clock
more importantly...what do u do?
fight back in hopes to save urself against the clock?
wait for the "life before your eyes" phenomena?
or scream for hope that someone will hear you.... hopes that someone....will find you...
Time's running out...What's your choice?
Feeling that it'll be most scream in hopes that someone will find you...
however, what u hear isn't the blood-curdling scream u hoped for..
Rather, you emit weak sigh... as the darkness covers your mind...

...Enter the Shadow Realm...