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Homepage of Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran

Contact Details

Dr. Quynh Nhu (Numi) Tran

Current Position: Business Intelligence Specialist
IBM Sydney Australia
601 Pacific Highway
St Leonards, Sydney, NSW 2065
Tel: +61 2 9461 3389

School of Information Systems, Management, and Technology
The University of New South Wales
Tel: +61 2 9385 7126



Prof. Graham Low
School of Information Systems, Management, and Technology
The University of New South Wales, Australia

Prof. Mary-Anne Williams
Innovation & Technology Research Laboratory
Faculty of Information Technology
The University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Beydoun, G., G. Low, N. Tran and P. Bogg. 2011. Development of a peer-to-peer information sharing system using ontologies. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(8): 9352-9364, August 2011.

Tran, Q.N.N. and G. Low. 2008. MOBMAS: A Methodology For Ontology-Based Multi-Agent Systems Development. Information and Software Technology, 50: 697–722.

Tran, Q.N.N., B. Henderson-Sellers and I. Hawryszkiewycz. 2007. Some Method Fragments to Support Agile Software Development - Part 1 and Part 2 Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications .

Tran, Q.N., B. Henderson-Sellers and I. Hawryszkiewycz. 2007. Method Fragments to Support Collaborative Teamwork for Software Development Projects. Proceedings of Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS), 49-1 - 49-9 .

Tran, N., G. Beydoun, G.Low and C. Gonzalez-Perez. 2006. Design of a Peer-to-Peer Information Sharing MAS Using MOBMAS (Ontology-Centric Agent Oriented Methodology). Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2006) .

Henderson-Sellers, B. , J. Debenham, Q.-N. N. Tran, M. Cossentino and G. Low. 2006. Identification of Reusable Method Fragments from the PASSI Agent-Oriented Methodology . In Agent-Oriented Information Systems III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3529/2006, 95-110.

Tran, Q.N.N., G. Low and G. Beydoun. 2005. A Methodological Framework for Ontology Centric Agent Oriented Software Engineering. Journal of Computer Systems, Science and Engineering. Special Issue on Software Engineering for Multi Agent Systems. In print.

G. Beydoun, Q.N.N. Tran, G. Low and B. Henderson-Sellers. 2005. Foundations of Ontology-Based MAS Methodologies. AOIS , 111-123

Tran, Q.-N.N. and G.C. Low. 2005. Comparison of agent-oriented methodologies. In Agent-Oriented Methodologies, eds. B. Henderson-Sellers and P. Giorgini, 341-367. Idea Group Publishing: Hershey, USA.

Tran, Q.-N.N., B. Henderson-Sellers, J. Debenham and C. Gonzalez-Perez. 2005. Conceptual Modelling within the MAS-CommonKADS Plus OPEN Method Engineering Approach. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA 2005), 29-34.

Henderson-Sellers, B., Q.N.N. Tran and J. Debenham. 2005. An Etymological and Metamodel-Based Evaluation of the Terms "Goals and Tasks" in Agent-Oriented Methodologies. Journal of Object Technology 4(2): 131-150, March-April 2005.

Beydoun, G., Q.N.N. Tran, G.Low and B. Henderson-Sellers. 2005. Preliminary Basis for an Ontology-Based Methodological Approach for Multi-agent Systems. Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling - Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 3770: 131 - 140.

Tran, Q.N., G. Low and M.A. Williams. 2004. A Preliminary Comparative Feature Analysis of Multi-agent Systems Development Methodologies. Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2004) - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3508: 157-168.

Tran, Q.N., G. Low and M.A. Williams. 2004. A Preliminary Comparative Feature Analysis of Multi-agent Systems Development Methodologies. Proceedings of the CAiSE'04 Workshop , 386-398.

Tran, Q.N., B. Henderson-Sellers and J. Debenham. 2004. Incorporating the elements of the MASE methodology into Agent OPEN. Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'2004), 380-388.

Henderson-Sellers, B., J. Debenham and Q.N. Tran. 2004. Adding Agent-Oriented Concepts Derived from GAIA to Agent OPEN. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 98-111.

Henderson-Sellers, B., Q-N.N. Tran and J. Debenham. 2004. Incorporating elements from the Prometheus agent-oriented methodology in the OPEN Process Framework. Proceedings of the 6th International Bi-Conference Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS 2004), 370-385.

Henderson-Sellers, B., Q.-N.N. Tran and J. Debenham. 2004. Method Engineering, The OPEN Process Framework and Cassiopeia. Proceedings of the Symposium on Professional Practice in AI (AIAI 2004).

Henderson-Sellers, B., Q.N. Tran, J. Debenham and C. Gonzalez-Perez. 2004. Agent-oriented information systems development using OPEN and the Agent Factory. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD' 2004).

Gonzalez-Perez, C., B. Henderson-Sellers, J. Debenham, G. Low and Q.N. Tran. 2004. Incorporating Elements from CAMLE in the OPEN Repository. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing 2004, 55-64.

Tran, Q.N., G. Low and M.A. Williams. 2003. A Feature Analysis Framework for Evaluating Multi-agent System Development Methodologies. In Zhong, N. et al. (eds): Foundations of Intelligent Systems ? Proc. of the 14th Int. Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems ISMIS?03, 613-617.

Ganendran, G., Q.N. Tran, P. Ganguly, P. Ray and G. Low. 2002. An Ontology-driven Multi-agent approach for Healthcare. Proceedings of Health Informatics Conference (HIC 2002).

Goecke, R., Q.N. Tran, J. Millar, A. Zelinsky and J. RobertRibes. 2000. Validation of an Automatic Lip-Tracking Algorithm and Design of a Database for Audio-Video Speech Processing. Proceedings of the 8th Australian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology SST2000.