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Main Rules Membership Alliances and Diplomacy Departments (wc3 d2 SC) Ranking Contact the novalogic leaders

Welcome to clan nL-

Welcome to Clan novalogic. This is a Clan. If you are intrested in joining e-mail us at the contact link above. This is a Clan that will demonstrait the superior skills of the lesser known gamers on This Site will be continually updated with information about the clan and its going ons.

Channel clan novalogic :Clan nL-
As it stands Clan novalogic is a new clan to And we need members, therefore all new members shall recruit. FAilure to do so will result in disciplinary action. SO RECRUIT EARN SOME RANK!!! updates to come!!!!!!!

Copyright 2002-2003 Counterfiet Productions(created by oNe) Reproduction is a sin. Don't do it.
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