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~*~ bEcCa'S pAgE!! ~*~

Hey! I see you've found my homepage....Good job. Your prize? You get to read all my SuPeR fLy TNT info! So, yay for you! But enough BS-ing, let's get started, shall we? First of all, I'm in college and majoring in Geology. Or, for those of you who may not know what geology is, rOcKs. More accurately, the study of the Earth and how it works. Fun stuff!! I don't play any sports because, to be honest, I haven't found one that I really liked. I've played softball, soccer, basketball, and I ran track for a little while. Actually I jumped hurdles, which was a lot of fun. I occassionally like to do outdoor stuff, too. Mainly when I vacation, but I like it nonetheless. Wind gliding, kayaking, snorkeling, white water rafting (mY aBsOLuTe fAvE!!), fossil hunting, and I LOvE taking pictures. I even flew an airplane once. I would have continued taking lessons, but I'm not a big fan of flying. But, hey, it was a great experience anyway. There's nothing like looking at the ground hundreds of feet below you. **NEW STUFF!!** I'm finally a certified SCUBA diver!! hOoTy hOo!! I just got back from Vortex Springs in Ponce de Leon, FL, where we did our certification dives. And, yeah, it was AWESOME! The water was just a bit cold, but wetsuits really are great inventions. Anyway, we got to go off in pairs after we were done with our skills, and me and this other guy saw a freshwater eel, and the beginning of the huge cave that Vortex is famous for. Overall, it was an amazing experience. So, rock on for SCUBA diving!!

~*~ cHeCk oUt mY siTeS!! ~*~

~*~ mY pics pAgE 1 ~*~
~*~ mY piCs pAgE 2 ~*~
~*~ tHe tRiNiTy & mArY pAgE ~*~
~*~ qUoTeS ~*~
~*~ tHiNgS tHaT piSs mE oFf ~*~
~*~ AGD pAgE ~*~

~*~ cHeCk oUt mY liNkS!! ~*~

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