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Because everybody loves a Sailor after all...



Greetings my little Fuku-mad liebchens!

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, yet another SailorMoon page has clawed its way onto the world wide web...

It's a cartooney mooney! Heh....

If you want to hear all the schmaltz, feel free to take a gander at my FAQ, but I only wanted to put up this website to show my love of this fab (albeit badly-animated) Japanese cartoon... Just kick off your boots, adjust your visor, order in some pancakes and click on the links on the left. And may the force be with you.

Or maybe not...

Kate x

p.s. This website contains a few naughty words. Don't say I didn't warn you...


10th November 2002: Wahey! The page is finally up! I'd like to thank FrontPage for only freezing up once or twice on me and I'd also like to give thanks for those wonderful caffeine overloaded snacks and beverages (available in all good retail outlets) Sleep has never been so easy to live without...

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© Naoko Takeuchi