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This site is for my support groups and my wonderful Marine. Well retired Marine now. These groups are wonderful and full of great women who are always there for me no matter what!

02/17/2004 Let me introduce myself my name is Page I am 22, and I live with the man of my dreams. I made this site so that other women like myself who have a man in the military can find a great groups like I have.

Thanx Day Dreamin Dollies This is one of the first groups that I joined and was really accepted in. I am now a moderator and have mad many wonderful friends in this group. I should actually say some are like sisters. We all have a major thing in common that bonds us together. We love a Marine and are the women behind the men.
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This group is MilitaryAngels. This group is for all the women behind a man in the military. Such as Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy. Even though I am a marines girl other women need support. I am also the moderator for this great group.
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