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Hostile Foes

Temp Home

Hostile Foes' Objective

Well We were a Clan for the week-end warriors, and still have many members in that role.  We have become active in the competitive ladder communities.  Our main focus of competition is shifting to TWL as it seems to offer both more playing and stiffer competition.  We do actively seek to set up clan matches and we don't back down from a challenge.  As the name implies our members must be hostile will will destroy all in our path and if we don't beat you the first time we will continue our onslaught until victory is ours.  Organization isn't our finest point but hostility is. 

Oh I almost forgot if you are our Foe.... 


Not soand Really

if you donate you have access to new area of website click this link

Well guys looks like we are going to lose our web hosting and have to find new place for our website.   In order to stay alive we need some funds what-ever you can is most appreciated and needed for us to continue our growth.  I promise the web will continue to improve.  Also many are asking about our own server I have set up a Pay-pal account.  Any and all donations will be recorded  in our members only area and you will see a break down of where your donations go.  all monies will go to clan nothing else. Any questions e-mail Hosti

Thanks everyone!