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Hi Friends! I was born in a wonderful place and I am Really Proud of it, so I thought I would give you a taste of what is like my Country PERU.

This magnificent place once the seat of the INCA EMPIRE as they ruled South America, its ruins a connection with the world itself capture your soul with it powers of wonder and great sculptures, The Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro arrived in 1527, and for next three hundred years its culture was influenced by Spain, It finally gained independence in July 28 of 1821. The rugged ANDES MOUNTAINS cover much of the country, with many peaks exceeding 20,000 ft. in height. And high in those mountains is the beautiful much visited “THE SACRED CITY OF THE INCAS” also known as “THE LOST CITY” MACHU PICCHU which means: “Old Mountain” (7,546 ft.) built of solid rock, still a mystery how the Incas carried the immense blocks of rock all the way to the top of the mountain. PERU shares control of LAKE TITICACA, the world's highest navigable lake in the World, with Bolivia. It measures 120 miles long and 45 miles wide, 12,500 ft. of height, 460 meters of profundity, LAKE TITICACA has islands that are just the pick of mountains in the middle of the lake, The legend says there is a city of gold in the bottom of the lake. It’s origin approximately 2 million years ago. The lowest part of Peru is in the Northeast; here the fertile land and jungle are irrigated by the far western tributaries of the AMAZON RIVER consider one of the bravest rivers in the world its size 120 m3 per second It is born from the highest of the Andes Mountains three rivers come down Marañon, Huallaga and Hucayali And forms its colossal waters to run Far East to the Atlantic Ocean. The highest pick of Peru is THE NEVADO OF HUASCARAN one of the Worlds most imposing summits it offers a challenging ascent requiring intermediate level alpine skills and an unusual opportunity for climbers who want to make an ascent to very high altitude. For though it stands nearly 2000 feet higher than Mt. McKinley, Huascaran is positioned at about latitude 9 degrees south spares it from the extremely low temperatures and severe storms that are common place in the extreme latitudes. FACTS: CAPITAL: Lima, POPULATION: 27’483,000 (1997), LANGUAGE: Spanish, Quechua, CURRENCY: New Sol, RELIGION: Catholic 90%, LAND AREA: 1’280,000 Sq. Km., HIGHEST POINT: Huascaran (6,768 Meters) (22,505 Ft.), LATITUD/LONGITUD: 10 degrees South, 76 degrees West, LAND DIVISION: 24 Departments, one Constitutional Province, (Get to Know Them One by One).

Fotos (photos)

Lima (Capital)
La Libertad
Madre de Dios
San Martin
