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AnnaBananaz Page

Why did I create a new webpage?

Well, im not that sure if you guys knew about my old Homepage... its still up and running... just... i dont really update it anymore. I dont really like it... even though i DID spend about at least 7 hours working on it, i still think that i should open up a new one. Unfortunately, i dont think this one has guestbook. I want guest book. I want people to sign my guestbook. Yep.. oh well. thats OK. I like creating webpages anyway. But i really want a guest book! Well, this Angelfire thing is quite confusing, but at least i dont have 56k, or else i'll be crying, trying to load up everything. ^__^ yes... sad... i know. but anyways, i have this Blog thing now, which is kind of like a journal type thing i guess you could say, and today was my first day in writing in it. yeps. ANYWAYS... thank you for visiting, and i hope all of you will tell me if anything is missing, that you want on there, or anything like that. Enjoy your summer before it ends everyone (unless you go to a year round school.. then you're going to have to wait till its your turn ^__^)!!!

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