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Personal Web Page

Amn Maas, Jonathan

United States Air Force



Work Information

Job Title

Readiness Apprentice

Job Description

Training for airmen and civilians before initial assignment as readiness technicians within an Air Force civil engineer organization. Training includes Air Force civil engineer organization and career field structure; general contingency responsibilities; Air Force Disaster Preparedness Program, organization, and responsibilities; readiness disaster response planning and supporting document preparation; peacetime response and recovery requirements for major accidents and natural disasters; wartime operations; nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) operations including detection and decontamination, plotting and reporting procedures for NBC hazards, and associated reports; installation training program; and instructor fundamentals. Trainees will perform wartime/peacetime exercises wearing protective equipment will perform wartime skills in the chemical defense training facility (CDTF) under the direct supervision of qualified chemical specialists. Additional training covers threat vulnerabilities, tactical deception, camouflage, concealment and deception, Prime BEEF and command and control actions.


366 TRS / DET 7


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Contact Information

E-mail address

Cell Phone

(419) 615-9622

Current Address

Amn Maas, Jonathan D

454 Michigan Ave Box #7012

Ft Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8951


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Biographical Information

My Name is Jon Maas, am I am Airman in the United States Air Force. I am currently attending Tech School in Fort Leonard Wood, MO as a Readiness Apprentice. The Schooling is 10 weeks and 2 days long. After graduation on March 10, 2003, I will be stationed at Shaw AFB, SC.




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Personal Interests



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Last revised: 2003 Dec 27