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Empaths: See and Listen

I am _____.  To complete that sentence I would say, “I am an Empath”.  The phrase, “I am” is an altruistic expletive and I find those two words to be very valuable lately. It has helped me to accept that which I am.  And, that is a good step to finding happiness and to accept all that is.  

The following “article” is a good read even if you think the ideas are preposterous.  Reading about things that may be new to you can be very therapeutic and necessary.  And having the wherewithal to express that you disagree will show honor.  Honor will allow you to trust in yourself and your thoughts even if many do not understand.  Trusting yourself will allow others to trust you and it will allow you to trust them.

I think I finally woke up.  The cocoon is dissolving.  This past year has been very hard for me.  I was and still am evolving into what I am now and what I want to be.   There is a reasonable amount of uncertainty that still exists, among other things, but I have started to accept, conceptualize, and understand that within everything is really nothing.  If you look at an amoeba and then look within what lies within, the only thing left is nothing.  And all the nothingness together will in turn make everything.  This helped me to learn that sometimes trivial things aren’t everything!  (no pun intended) These things sound so very common-sense to me but in reality these basic thoughts are so deep that there is a certain amount of duality.  Questioning oneself and the world are the ways in which we have evolved into intelligent beings.  But, to me, being intelligent has nothing to do with greed and expansion.  We have literally changed the Earth’s ecosystem and we have done this without question or care.  Responsibility has found itself few and far between the very fiber of humanity.

Seeing and listening better are things we all have to learn.  The only way to truly listen is with emotions.  Emotions come from our “soul” or “energy force” and our brains just translate that information into the basic needs.  All of our desires of happiness and joy are overseen.  Seeing is more than just opening your eyes.  It is about opening your heart and building your well of chi.  Listen with more than just your ears and see with more than just your eyes.  The movie of life has many frames.  The movie is really not on a reel, it is just a scattered mess of frames.  The frames aren’t seen in order and confusion can be the result.  Choosing which frame to experience and deciding what to do with that one piece of “nothing” is done blindly.  Déjà vu frequently occurs to further confuse us.  We knew that frame existed or happened, hence, there is a feeling of familiarity but we weren’t able to actually remember it until the moment in which the frame was experienced. 

Sometimes, reconditioning is needed and we have to believe and feel and see things as we want them to be. We all find that hard at times.  But, habits form and we are soon conditioned to think that things suck, and then they do.  What you think is what you get.  And, we as humanoids are so used to thinking as if strings were attached to our limbs.  We follow the masses no matter which way they pull us.  It is such a grandiose idea that one person can change things in its entirety.  And, largeness creates the fear and uncertainty that impedes the very energy which can make it all better.  Remember:  your cup is half full, your cup is half full.  Those straws that siphon a sip here and there are ok.  Your cup will refill only if you accept that the straw was there in the first place.  Acceptance is realizing that there are not always answers to everything.  Forgetting is not necessary or even possible at times.  But, acceptance is really important.  Before being able to accept things, anger is almost always needed.  Everyone has either had anger or felt anger.  But, anger is only a transformation or our way of dealing with more complex emotions such as sadness and embarrassment.  Things will not happen unless they exist.  So, as long as anger exists, anger will happen.  If we can express our true emotions as they are, then anger will dissipate because it won’t have any way of being born.   

I have had a tremendous amount of negativity surrounding me for way too long now.  It was encompassing me and I was absorbing those thought patterns and adopting them as my own.  That’s how people change and they rapidly forget who they really are.  They forget what they are here for -- just happiness and joy.  Money cannot buy who you are and what you feel.  It only masks things.  The person that is deep under the façade and costume generally may not be liked by society and the masses.  So many people become depressed because their idea of happiness was false.  They were just following the course in which the pattern of complex chi tethered.  All of us have certain expectations.  But, I am slowly learning that the less you expect, the happier you will be.  Realizing that reactions and thoughts, beliefs and choices are coping mechanisms for all that is unexpected. 

Accept what is or become angry and try to accept that.  It’s easier to accept a positive resonance than it is to even begin to understand hatred.  Anger is an extremely slow method of suicide.  I really don’t want to see our Earth lose its resilience and abundance.  We are all connected energy.  Right now, the anger is harming the balance in which we exist.  Greed, anger, hate, and blame-storming has created a giant storm right here on our home.  We have to accept what has happened, get over it, and move on with peaceful solutions.  We cannot follow one angry, hateful, vengeful force and sustain.  When you see someone with a grouchy scowl on their face often, it is so exhausting.  Because your’ good life energy is being taken.  The negative person has nothing left and cannot exist without more energy.  Those with big hearts and empathic abilities tend to be manipulated. 

I think that an awakening has occurred within many and will continue to occur.  This can be a very hard experience to understand, but just remember my crazy essay on Us and you will know it when you really FEEL it.  Sometimes science can help us all understand ideas better.  Most people have to see proof, especially when we try and think “out of the box”, or away from the “monkey bars”.  The proof I have lies within my own experiences, but those experiences have fingerprints from others experiences on them.  That is how the school janitor in Topeka, KS is no different than the CEO of Janus.  The only thing that would make them different is how they choose to experience the frames in their movie.  If both of them have Honor, then they are one in the same.  But, if honor is lacking, then measuring their “manliness” would not require a ruler or a six figure income. 

We need to just BE.  And we all need to say I AM. 

I am moody -- I am happy -- I am beautiful -- I am full -- I am love -- I am hurt --  I am acceptance


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