New Image Botanicals

Herbal and Aloe Body wraps for a Total Health Program!

Our all-natural Herbal and Aloe Body Wrap Gel is a scientifically balanced blend of 100% Certified Natural Aloe Vera Juice, Aloe Vera Gel, a blend of fifteen herbs, and  is substantially enhanced with sea vegetation.  It is designed to cleanse the body of toxins that can collect due to such factors as aging, improper diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and stress while reducing inches and firming and toning the skin. Body wrapping has worked for many individuals better than any other type of inch-loss program such as dieting or extensive aerobics.

When the wrap is applied to the selected areas, the solution gel penetrates through the millions of pores of  your skin  to break down  and  shrink the  unwanted fatty  cells and  the “toxified fatty deposits” better known as cellulite.  These toxins are stored in the fluids between the cells.  Women accumulate these fluids from the waist down, and men from the abdomen up.   The pure aloe base works as a carrier, transporting this unique, all natural formula to the adipose layer, breaking down hardened toxic tissue (cellulite) on contact.  It is recommended that a series of four to six body wraps be applied, between three to seven days apart to receive the cleansing benefits, as well as the inch loss and reshaping of the body.

The Aloe and Herbal Wrap is not a temporary water loss wrap.  During the series of body wraps it is important to drink six to eight glasses of purified water each day, starting with the day of the wrap to help flush out broken down fatty deposits through the body’s natural process.  When combined with healthy eating habits and regular exercise, you will enhance the results and benefits. As long as you do not gain weight from where you started by indulging in greasy or salty foods, and you drink the required water and maintain a healthy exercise agenda, you should be able to keep off the inches.

A 16 oz. bottle of Body Wrap Gel will generally yield 16-20 wraps and last for a month to six weeks. Optimal spacing between wraps has been found to be three to five days.   Salons charge anywhere from $75 to $150 per wrap and so by getting 16-20 wraps for the $35 bottle. That's UNDER $3 PER WRAP. You save a great deal of money by wrapping yourself.

Instructions for wrapping:

There are many types of body wraps including mineral, sea clay, and aloe/herbal wraps.  We recommend the Aloe and Herbal wraps for since they do not dry the skin as clays and minerals do, but rather they hydrate and nourish the skin, leaving it supple, fresh, and youthful.  There is also no need to bathe after wrapping because the aquaeous nature of the aloe plant juices is assimilable by the body and the remaining lotion can be simply massaged into the skin and absorbed.  The ingredients are all natural and fresh.  We recommend that you test the solution by applying a small amount on the forearm or underside of the wrist before wrapping for the first time just to make sure there are no allergic reactions to the product.   There are only a few simple steps to do the body wrap:  Measure, Apply gel, Apply wrap, Wait an hour, Unwrap, and Measure again.  Each step is described in detail below.

Materials needed:  New Image Botanicals Herbal and Aloe Body Wrap Gel
                            Roll of cellophane wrap (such as Saran Wrap, any color)

1)  Although measuring is optional, you will probably want to be able to monitor your progress, at least for the first few wraps. Set aside about 5-10 minutes to measure your body.  To get the full results of inches lost, you should measure the following areas.  Mark with small marks on your body the top of the tape with an ink pen so that when you measure after the wrap you will know just where to put the top of the tape.  Write down your measurements for the following areas: 

Upper Arms (both) (under armpits and 1" above elbow)
Just above Bust
Just Below bust
Upper Waist
Upper abdomen
Upper thighs (both)
Middle thighs
1" Above Knees

Suggestion:  For writing down measurements and seeing your results, use a pad.  Graph paper works great for this.  Make 3 columns the length of your pad for each area and compare before and after measurements each time.  Abbreviate your columns. For example:  UA1 (upper arms just under armpits), UA2 (upper arms 1" above elbow), AB (above bust), B (bust), and so on.  Have three columns for each body part for before, after, and total inch loss (difference).  Then in the difference column, write the difference between the two measurements (before and after).  Measure in quarter inches and write down measurements in decimals.  For example  35.25, 29.75, 40.00, etc. That makes it easier to total the differences column and derive your total inch loss for that wrap.  Write the date of the wrap out to the left of the columns.

Generally you will lose between 5 and 20 inches per wrap, the greater inch loss usually occurring during the first 5 wraps.   A series of 10-15 wraps is recommended for dissolving stubborn cellulite and/or minimizing stretch marks. Softer fat will come off quickly and easily provided you follow instructions and drink your water faithfully.

If you decide to only measure certain parts, for example, the upper abdomen, your inch results will only be limited to that area, but you will still know that the inch loss is all over in the wrapped areas.  Measuring is recommended for you to keep up with your progress, but when time doesn't allow, you can always just wrap and go, knowing that you are losing the inches.

2. Apply the gel to the waist, abdomen, back, upper arms, underarms, upper thighs, buttocks, and if desired, lower thighs.  You may also apply gel to the chin area and cover with the cellophane wrap.  There is no need to use a lot.  A thin spread will achieve good results also. You may massage the gel into the body as well.  A better result is achieved if you heat the gel (bottle and all) in a baby bottle warmer or in a pot of hot water.  Do not microwave the gel as the active enzymes could be destroyed.

For those who desire desire breast reduction, you may apply to breasts.  Generally the soft fat of the type around breasts dissolves more quickly than any harder cellulite.

3.  Just after you apply the gel to each body area,  apply the cellophane wrap to only that area by rolling the cellophane wrap around the body for twice or three layers. (You may twist the roll around a 180 degree turn in areas to facilitate the rolling effect.)  Then go to the next area and continue applying gel and wrapping until all desired parts are wrapped. 

A normal amount of gel needed for each wrap is approximately 1 oz.  A 16 oz. bottle of Body Wrap Gel will generally yield 16-20 wraps.  Salons charge anywhere from $75 to $150 per wrap and so by getting 14-20 wraps for the $45 bottle (NOW ON SALE FOR $35.!!)(we must also add $4 to cover shipping and handling), you save anywhere from $1000 to $3000 for the same number of wraps done in a salon.

Let the wrap stay on for 1 hour. Just put on your comfortable everyday clothes. You may go about your daily activities, but do not do strenuous exercise or anything that causes you to sweat.  Sweating would prevent the solution gel from penetrating as it should into the pores. You may want to just lie down and read a book or any relaxing activity. 

4. Unwrap and measure again.  Write down your results and enjoy your progress! 


Remember to drink your daily 8 glasses of water!!!  This is necessary and will cause the inch reduction to continue even after wrapping.  


*Results will vary with individuals according to lifestyle, eating habits, excercise patterns, and amount of cellulite present. *Consult your physician before wrapping if you are a smoker, have any heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid condition, or any other serious health problem.

Plan to do your exercising in a time during the day before your wrap, so that you will not be sweating during the wrap.  Then shower before each wrap to remove dead skin cells and sweat.  Do not use any soap or cream on your skin when you shower just before the wrap as this will block the pores.  We recommend using our Aloe Body Wash or no soap at all. The Aloe Body Wash will soon be available for purchase online. You may inquire about it or order offline by emailing with Aloe Body Wash in the subject line.  

To order online, please click on the PayPal button below:

You may also order offline by mailing in your name and shipping address to . You will be provided with instructions for sending mail orders.

Please allow 2 weeks for delivery, although normally orders in the US will arrive within a week via USPS Priority mail. Orders are handled on a daily basis. Check orders take a week longer to process.

Thank you for your interest in New Image Botanicals products. We believe that you will be happy with your decision to make this easy and fun change for better health, fitness, and beauty using products that are good for your overall health. This may be the one product that works best for you, as it has for us. All our products are guaranteed for freshness and effectiveness. Please email any questions to

NEW IMAGE BOTANICALS Attn. Helen A. Ortiz 356 Godwin Lake Rd. Benson, NC 27504 (919)207-1553

Please print this page for your instructions. A hard copy of your body wrap instructions will also be mailed to you with your order. Thank you.
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