
I'm Lauren


neruaL m'I



To those of you who know me, no explanation necessary.  To those of you who don't, how did you end up at my webpage anyway?  This webpage is basically a way to put up pictures and this and that, from my travels, and of my friends and loved ones, and to keep everyone up-to-date on what's new on the East Coast.


On another note, I'm slowly implementing new designs and technique's on the website, as well as making (sometimes) daily updates, hopefully in the Thoughts section ha-ha.  Check Back regularly!  I want to use this as a way of keeping in touch, so send me any new or old pictures that you have!  Have Fun!!



Prague Pictures



       Updated 3/11/03

  • Thoughts Page

  • Irish Stuff



Check back in this column

to learn about new updates


Construct a Thought


People Pictures




Irish Stuff