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Welcome to my site

Hi! Welcome to my site! I do a lot of uninteresting things which you can read about in the news section, and sometimes i take uninteresting pictures which you can look at in the pictures section, and I also draw some uninteresting drawings and if you can't figure out where to find them well then dear god please do not have children

On the subject of me, my name is Rachel, For the time being i live in California and i spend a lot of time working. When I am not working (on days like today) i sit around in my Pyjamas next to my three favourite things, my bed, my computer, and my mirror. Sometimes i meet new people, most days i play disco music and dance in my room.

If you feel the need to e-mail me with suggestions (like "learn HTML cause your site sucks") do that here



ThE rEsT oF mY sItE

News (it's not no news so it's probably bad news)
Some of my papers - read if you dare
Some cruddy drawings