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The Present Challenges of

 Electronic Government

Kashif Riaz

Faculty of Computer Science

King Khalid University

Saudi Arabia








As we know nowadays the most important application of information technology is involvement of governments which is known as e-government.

But to make it perfect we have to understand first, the various models of present days government practices.

General definition describes e-Government as the use of information to transform government by making it more accessible, effective and accountable. The main aim is effective governance and increased transparency and to manage social and economic resources.

E-government transactions involve citizens, business community, government agencies and government employees. The role of e-government is very vital in our daily life as changing role of business.

The primary challenges of e-government are discussed in this paper, keeping in view the political and economical backgrounds in focus. Whereas the role of citizens will be quite important, for imparting any strategy and for developing certain methodologies for e- government  keeping in view current political scenario.

But while making framework different approaches/techniques depending upon political system should be adopted. But the main emphases should always be focused on how to improve citizen access to service delivery with visions and realistic goals.