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oOoHhH! sHiTz NiGgUh wAT?!?! i aCtuALLy UpDaTeD diS sHiTz aHaHa! weLL yEa LotZ caMe n WeNt...i'Ve bEeN hELLa bz As Of LaTeZ...bUt i ActUaLLy fOunD TiMe tAh uPdATE tHa PaGe! well aight dat was hella wack how iw as writin liek that above...but yea well i've been out a lot doin my shitz (get fucked up!!) ahahha! itz all boutz dat! ahaha well newayz wat else can i say? i need a job still!!!!! ne1 wanna hire dis broke as nigguh??!!? don't make me havta hustle 4 mah money! ahaha jp! well yea come backz laytez wen i hab more time 2 up date dis shitz aight...1 luv PaYcE! jUsTin!

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