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Message Kenneth @
Last Updated:6-6-03


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Welcome to Josephians Judo Club!
Feel free to navigate around this website ... it shows mostly information on SJI Judo Club.The SJI Judo Club has been established since 1967 and is currently 52 members strong. Our main aim is to impart Judo skills to our Judokas and at the same time, foster friendships that last. In addition, loyalty and a sense of belonging are also important traits we encourage. Many of our Judokas who have graduated return to contribute further to the development of the club by helping out either at training or at annual camps. Our 2 current coaches are no exception as they are ex-SJI Judokas who are still contributing time and dedication.

[Jigoro Kano(1860--1938)]
(Founder of Judo)
What is Judo?
Judo is a derivative of jujitsu and is the correct term used to refer to that art in today’s language. The word "Judo" specifically explains the truer meaning of the art as it is practised today. The ju part of the word means "gentleness" or "giving way" and implies a flexibility of techniques, while the do part means "way" and signifies the application of the ju principle in the execution of the techniques, not only in the physical exertion of the judoka but also his menal attitude. The older jitsu, which was replaced by do meant "technique" or "art". When Dr. Jigoro Kano developed judo from its original martial art form, he wanted something more than skill in technique. He theorised that what was needed was a blend of the finer techniques of jujitsu with a form of mental training or philosophy as its driving force. Do or "the way" therefore came to signify the mental training that the judoka needs in order to make practical use of judo. In another words, judo teaches the maximum efficient use of mental and physical energy.

Background Music Selection Complicated - By Avril Lavigne


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Major Achievements

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The Attentive Eyes Of An SJI Judoka !

Secondary 1

Secondary 2

Secondary 3

Secondary 4

Singapore Judo Federation


Kodokan Judo Institute

TwoJ Judo Website