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  Matt's Webpage
Guide To My Site:

My journal (8-27 to 9-18-2002)

The Poetry Place

Diary of a Madman

My songs

My Guestbook

My Gear



Me in brief

Hey all, thanks for coming and visiting my page... I have taken much of my "wasted anyway" time to bring you this so enjoy is and if you have any any comments or questions contact me

Well I hope that all of you have enjoyed the summer and are enjoying the student life... (yeah right).  My summer was interesting to say the least, but all is well.  Attending Leeward Community College can be very horrifying so don't go there, take it from me.... Hopefully I will attend University at Manoa next spring term and dorm so I can be more focused on what is important (no not girls, though they do hold high esteem in my logic).  Well there's a little about me, sign my guest book please so I know I am not just talking to myself.  =)