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© 2007 Jones_Gur Produ¢tions

gEt aT mE...
L0ok At The B0ok
5ign Tha B0ok

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Here is some info for ya nosey peeps...

NaMe?: Elizabeth but you ¢an ¢all me Liz

5taTe oF MinD?: ju5 ¢hillin in South Korea right now for another 8 months

TiPz?: It is always hard b4 it ¢an B easy...

Why da 5miLe?: Be¢ause my girl makes me smile everytime I am near her

50ng?:Right now as dumb as it is, I like Bow Wow and ¢iara-Like You

LeGaL?: Yupp, 1985 and Im a pis¢es!

Lo0Kin?: HELL NO! Somehow we found each other and I am never letting her go. Anyone ¢an try to pull me from her but itz not gonna work, I love this girl more than anything in this world...

CELL #: Hmm...used to be 625-2455 a few yearz ago b4 I dis¢onne¢ted it

5tu¢K uP?: Nope, Im not stu¢k up. I just be mean muggin all the time be¢ause I am tired as hell from work...

on My Mind:Always her...

ThiNkin BouT:Why the O house messed up on my order!!!

Qu0Te oF tha DaY: "You're not a true playa until you quit playin games, and win a real woman's heart"

iT aInT aLL 0vA tiLL tHa 12 gUaGe 5inGs..
© 2005 Jones_Gur Produ¢tions

© 2007 Jones_Gur Produ¢tions