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5 Hours Earlier...

[The Scene opens up in a junk yard of sorts, bits of cars, bikes, trucks.. etc scattered all over the place in a pile. 2 American Pit bulls the world's most vicious dog patrols around the junk yard looking for what might be some food, they come across a bicycle tire and start fighting over it, both dogs pulling it with there teeth foam coming out of there mouth like they have rabies. In the back of the junk yard with a path leading up to it is a small wooden/corrugated iron shack in which a man sits outside smoking a large Cuban cigar, he hasn't shaved for a while and he is your regular junk yard type with oil and grease all over him with his dirty hair. Down the path leading to the shack is a large metal gate stopping anyone from getting inside with barb wire going around the wall leading into the junk yard. Then something unexpected happens.. a Black BMW pulls up to the gate with tinted windows you can't work out who is driving it. The Drivers door opens up and it's none other than Jimmy "Tic Tac" Boone, wearing a white tank top showing off his massive arms along with some black pants and steel capped boots. The junk yard man yells out to Jimmy as he comes up to the gate]

Junkyard Guy: What do you want?

Jimmy: I've come to get a few things from you..

Junkyard Guy: Listen, I pay my taxes and if you step in here you'll be trespassing on my property, that means I'm allowed to use any force I deem necessary..

[The Junkyard Guy grabs a sawed off shotgun from nearby and dusts it off as dust flies off, Jimmy just smiles at him and heads back to his car]

Junkyard Guy: That's right Bitch.. you may look big and tough but you ain't crap compared to me!

[But Jimmy doesn't leave instead he returns back with a suitcase in hand smiling as he walks towards the gate once again. The Dogs now taking notice that there is someone there and start barking at Jimmy]

Junkyard Guy: So what?.. Your gonna drop your suitcase and a Machine gun is gonna come out?.. I'm Sooooo Scared..

Jimmy: No, But I've got something else for you..

[Jimmy opens the suitcase to the junkyard guy as he notices a hell of a lot of Fine Crisp $100 notes and he drops his shotgun and it goes off smashing a window of a crushed car. The Guy's mouth is wide open..]

Jimmy: I thought you might say that..

[Jimmy closes the suitcase and puts it down on the ground]

Junkyard Guy: Well why didn't you say that in the first place?.. Come on in, I'll just open the gate for you..

Jimmy: No need..

[Jimmy just kicks the metal gate and the lock snaps, the junkyard man stands up in shock for a bit that he was able to do that as he walks down the path, the 2 pit bulls going right up to Jimmy barking furiously at him as he holds the suitcase.]

Junkyard Guy: It's not my fault if Pain and Fury bite ya, or rip your leg off..

[Jimmy smiles at the dogs as it snaps at him to bite his arm, Jimmy looks the dogs right in the eyes and they start cowering and run off with there tails between there legs.. The Junkyard Guy walking right up to Jimmy looking at the dogs running off down the junkyard]

Junkyard Guy: How did you do that?

Jimmy: When Animals stare into the eyes of something that could rip them apart they are naturally scared.

Junkyard Guy: You got me nearly wetting my pants now..

Jimmy: Before you do that, I got a few things I need.. here's your money..

 [Jimmy hands the suitcase to the junkyard guy who opens it up and takes some of the bills out and smells them..]

Junkyard Guy: No more Corned beef for me anymore... I'm going to be having Steak.. Mmmm.. I can just taste it now..

[Jimmy walks around and looks over the junk around the place and points around..]

Jimmy: I want that Truck engine.. in that body..

[Jimmy points to a Mac Truck that seems to have been left there, seems to be a lot of Panel damage done to it and the hood's up with no Engine in it.. ]

Junkyard Guy: Sure.. you want some Wheels?.. I got heaps of Wheels out the back..

Jimmy: Lets have a look..

[Jimmy follows the Junkyard guy who is carrying the suitcase in his hand to around the back of his little shack, thousands of Tires piled up on top of each other and the smell of burning Rubber is in the air.. The Junkyard Guy rolls out some huge looking Truck Tires towards Jimmy as he inspects them. The Junkyard guy looks at Jimmy like he's seen him somewhere before..]

Junkyard Guy: Aren't you that Professional Wrestling guy?.. Jimmy "Tic Tac" Boone.

Jimmy: Yeah, what's it to ya?

Junkyard Guy: Don't you work for the Family?

Jimmy: Listen I thought I was here to do business with you, not talk about whose ass I am going to kick this week..

Junkyard Guy: Sorry, it's just that I don't get much people around here. And well.. to see a celebrity of sorts is kinda a pleasure. I don't get very good reception on my TV because of all this junk lying around interfering with the signal.

Jimmy: I guess that's your problem, now you can proberly get yourself your own Dish Satellite to get better reception..

Junkyard Guy: I could, couldn't I?.. what do you want all these pieces for anyway?.. You making up a truck?

Jimmy: I can't..

[Jimmy is cut off by the ring of his cell phone, he motions to the junkyard guy to hold on one minute and walks to a place where he can get better reception as he answers the phone..]

Jimmy: Yeah?.. Oh it's you... Yeah I know those bastards shouldn't have messed with the family..  Yeah don't worry about those Mexican guys, I've got something sorted out for them, you can have the Priest.. What?... Oh yeah, of course.. I'm at a junkyard... Long Story.. Okay, see you at the Bunkhouse..

[Jimmy closes his cell phone and puts it back in his pocket the junkyard guy looking over at him..]

Junkyard Guy: Was that Tony Torrelli?

Jimmy: If I told you, I'd have to kill you..

[The Junkyard guy laughs and then notices that Jimmy isn't laughing..]

Junkyard Guy: Ohh.. you were serious.. *gulp*

[Jimmy piles the tires on top of each other and carries four of them with him back to were they where while the junkyard guy rolls 2 others. The Junkyard guy looking up at Jimmy who doesn't seem to have even broke a sweat..]

Junkyard Guy: Didn't you lose your first match in Outlaw Wrestling?

Jimmy: What did you say?

Junkyard Guy: Me and my big mouth...

Jimmy: Lost my first match?. Do I look.. like I give a damn about winning some stupid wrestling match against a try hard priest?. I was out there to send out a message for the Family. And I did just that.. the guy thought he was smart bringing out some Skanky looking girls with two by fours to distract me.. but did it work?. No. It just caused more destruction and more pain for him. I took him by the neck and drilled him to the ground.. he was never able to keep me down once in that entire time it was just me and him. And then.. we had to get the Latino Brothers coming out here to mess things up, Lucky for me I had the Family watching my back. Now I have no idea why those pair of Tequila drinkers would want to mess with the family or worse yet.. Jimmy "Tic Tac" Boone, but I can tell you one thing. It's something that are soon going to regret, when the family steps into that ring, it wont be for the money.. it wont be for the fans. It will be for respect.. you gotta respect the family and they are showing little to nothing of that.

Junkyard Guy: Well, I'd hate to be them right now..

Jimmy: Trust me.. even you would last longer in that ring than the Santa Fe Snake...

[Jimmy smiles a bit as the junkyard guy smiles as well and they get to work in moving all the stuff around.. the scene fading out]

Present Time

[Scene changes to a garage of sorts.. a huge looking Mac Truck, the same one that we saw in the junk yard completely re modeled, a few mechanics in the back working on the tires and so forth as there is no Jimmy anywhere to be seen. A Taxi pulls up outside the Garage and out steps the lovely sultry Vixen known as Missy Lopez wearing a red mini skirt and a black tight Outlaw Wrestling baby T. She flicks her hair over her shoulders as he walks in her high heels towards the place squinting up her face at the smell of Oil, Grease and Petrol. Some of the Mechanics stop what they are doing and wolf whistle as Missy looks around the place, one guy walking up to her wiping his black covered hands with a rag wearing mechanics overalls and a cigarette out his mouth still smoking..]

Missy Lopez: Hi, I'm looking for Jimmy..

Mechanic: Hey, has anyone seen Jimmy?

Voices in Back: No... I think he went back to the junk yard to get something..

Missy Lopez: Oh damn it, do you know when he is going to get back?. I really need to interview him for his match..

Mechanic: You can interview me baby.. one on one..

[The Mechanic grabs Missy roughly by the arm as she looks nervous and concerned as the Mechanic goes to kiss her.. Missy slapping him in the face..]

Missy Lopez: Leave me alone!

Mechanic: Come on baby, work with me.. you know you want it..

[The Mechanic grabs Missy's hand and puts it down his overall's Missy tries to fight back but the guy is too strong. The only thing Missy can do is grab tightly.. and the mechanic screams in pain and punches Missy in the face knocking her back as she cries.. the Mechanic picks her back up and pulls her close as he tries to fight it and the Mechanic rips her baby T to show Missy's black lace bra.. the other mechanics working like nothing is happening as Missy screams out..]

Missy Lopez: Someone help me..

Voice: Leave her alone..

[The Mechanic lets go of Missy as he hears someone talking and Jimmy rolls out on one of those wheelie boards from under the truck with a large spanner in his hand and stands up. The Mechanic turns around to Jimmy who is taller.. bigger.. Stronger.. and most definitely Smarter.]

Mechanic: She came on onto me Boss.. I didn't know you where here?

Jimmy: Yeah right..

[Jimmy swings the spanner and hits the Mechanic in the head knocking him out cold. He turns to Missy who is wipes the tears from her eyes and tries to hold her Baby T up.. Jimmy looks to the other Mechanics..]

Jimmy: Now is there anyone else who wants to mess with this fine lady?

[All the Mechanics look up but don't say anything and continue working..]

Jimmy: I didn't think so..

Missy Lopez: Thank you so much, I thought he was going to rape me or something..

Jimmy: I never liked that guy anyway.. had a few screw looses.. smoked next to the petrol tank after I told him not to countless times..

Missy Lopez: Well I think he knows his lesson now..

Jimmy: And he's gonna wake up with one hell of a headache..

[Jimmy uses the guys overalls to wipe the grease off his hands and walks over to a table with a Schematic of the truck is laid out with new parts being added to it..]

Jimmy: Anyway, what can I do you for?

Missy Lopez: I thought I could get a interview with you, I tried to get one with the family.. but they wouldn't let me in.. something about being Puerto Rican or something..

Jimmy: Yeah, we have a lot of problems with Mexicans at the moment after the fiasco of them trying to hold me and make me pay my dues. That didn't really come out to plan did it?

Missy Lopez: What are you building here?

Jimmy: What does it look like?.. a Truck.. Are you blonde?

Missy Lopez: No.. Anyway, what do you think about going against the Lethal Lottery Tag champions as well as Jack Schuler again..

Jimmy: Tell me Missy does this face look the least bit worried that I have two short ass Mexican's one that wears a mask to cover his most likely discolored face gunning for me?. I put my feet down last week in that ring and stomped the hell out of the priest and now we got these Mexicans running around the place like they own the god damn country. This isn't Mexico, this is the united states.. I don't care how much the fans like these guys, or how big they are around the world.. one thing for sure is Jimmy Boone doesn't back down from a fight. Whoever it may be.. and these guys need to be taught a lesson whether it be from me or my Comrades.

Missy Lopez: You had a impressive showing last night.. and really put Jack Schuler through hell. It's a shame it ended up in a DQ for you though..

Jimmy: I thought they were gonna ring the bell a bit earlier.. I hit the god damn guy with his own club and they still decided to keep the match going. I thought for one thing that maybe this federation liked the violence.. I mean those people out there certainly liked it.

Missy Lopez: You may have even gained a few fans last week with your powerful moves and Never Say Die Attitude.

Jimmy: They have seen it before with the likes of Derek Steel, Brujah.. and numerous others, I'm just the flavor of the week for now, I don't really give a damn whether they like me or not. It doesn't have any fact to play with the match once I make them Sleep with the fishes..

Missy Lopez: You where also able to get out of Jack Schulers finishing move.. The Alpha.. the Omega.. the Beginning and the End..

Jimmy: Of course I got out of that move, I'm Jimmy Boone.. not some dorky looking teenager who would give up in a drop of an eye. Schuler doesn't realize that getting in a ring with me is not about winning or losing, it's about surviving every single thing that I can throw at them. Now last time I saw Jack talk he was saying things about e-fed's, match writers and so on. Now I don't know what the hell he is talking about but I think he's been drinking a bit too much of that Holy Water!

Missy Lopez: So what are we going to be seeing from Jimmy "Tic Tac" Boone this coming week?

Jimmy: I'm following the weekly regime of destroying anyone that steps in my way, with the family to watch my back or me to watch there's. I know this is a 6 man tag match, and it all comes down to one person being pinned to get that win. But is that really the end of the match?.. No, I don't think so.. there is more planned for the Family. Neither of these people we face are on the Hit list, they are just Collateral Damage at the moment. Whether they get Bah da Bing.. or are Sleeping with the Fishes, it's gonna remain the same you will respect the family. And Jimmy Boone will be feared..

[Jimmy heads back towards his wheelie board and lies down on it and scoots himself under it.. Missy walks over to the truck and bends over to talk to him under it as he seems to be tieing up a few things..]

Missy Lopez: There is one thing I wanna know..

Jimmy: Whats that?

Missy Lopez: Why are you called Tic Tac?

Jimmy: Because I once killed a man with only a tic tac..

Missy Lopez: Okay, I shouldn't have asked...

Jimmy: Nice Pink Thong by the way..

Missy Lopez: huh?.. How'd you..

[Jimmy is now between Missy's legs still on the wheelie board as he smiles.. Missy folds her arms as she looks down and Jimmy waves to her and she storms off.. Jimmy watches her leave..]

Jimmy: These Mexicans will never see it coming.. hahaha

[Jimmy slides back under the truck as the scene fades out..]