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Why I chose the name SilverSurfer?

SilverSurfer is a character from Marvel Comics, which I have been reading for as long as I can remember. When Galactus wanted to consume the planet Zenn-La, Norrin Radd [later became SilverSurfer] gave up his freedom and life to save his planet and the his people.How?  He agreed to be Galactus' herald, roaming the galaxies in search of new planets for his master's consumption.

Although he gave up his freedom initially, he got in return something different. Galactus gave him the power cosmic. His powers are literally invincible. His surf board enables him to travel faster than the speed of light through the galaxies...he sees the world from a totally different angle...However, he is but a loney soul in the vast galaxy, totally alone from every other being.


CHARACTER - We must adjust to an ever changing road...while holding onto unchanging principles.

More About myself...

Who Am I? Jacyn Lee. Jet Lee. Jac Lee. Jackie. SilverSurfer. Surfer.  (many other names that my creative friends come up with..)   

Where I'm From? Singapore. the coolest (not literally though) country in the world. [at least that's what i think]

Schools I've been to? Pei Chun Public School. CHIJ St Nicholas Girls' School. Nanyang Junior College.

Stuff I like to do? Playing guitar. Building model planes and other gadgets. Watching TV. Sleeping. Eating. Challenging physics questions. Literature - studying it but not taking exams for it. AVA - operating sound reinforcement systems etc. Irritating people. Playing computer games [CounterStrike, Warcraft, Age of Empire, Age of Mythology etc etc etc too many to mention]

Stuff I hate? Languages. Hypocritical people. People with little/no consideration for others. Durians. can't think of anymore at the moment.

Other Random things I can think of About Myself? Left-Hander. Perfect eyesight. Prefer to work alone most of the time [Lone-Ranger].

On 15th Apr 1986, I was born to make a difference [who isn't?]. I have one and only one brother. But many god-bros who are just as close to me. Growing up with most of the people in my family who did not and still do not think much of me, I believe that I'll one day prove to them that there's more to life than just cramming the books. Joined AVA in secondary school and found my talent. Planning to go into sound/audio engineering in the future and probably contribute to the arts scene in a not so common way. I plan to show the world that sometimes things do not have to be seen to be important. I see the world from a different angle simply because I am different. Determination is my strongest trait, or one may say that I'm simply STUBBORN. At the moment, I'm still looking for many answers to many questions...   -this is my life...

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