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I Am a Paradox
First of all, this is the funniest picture I have ever seen in my entire life. I got it out of a Newsweek, it's part of an ad for cholesterol lowering medication. I find it absolutely hilarious. Hee hee!

The odd part is, not many people seem to share my enthusiasm for this fine piece of artwork. Strange indeed...

Nobody has any taste whatsoever. Message to all who don't like this pic: YOU SUCK.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my site. Please feel free to explore the links at the top of the page. They are there for a reason.

I don't really know why I need a website. It's not like I run a multi-national corporate industry or anything... (For real, I don't.)

So, have fun. Drop me an email if you feel like it.

days until my BIRTHDAY!

days until school is OVER!!!!