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AAL - Alie's Anime Lair

Hey! What's up? this is alie, the owner of this site. i dunno what the theme of the site is gonna be, prbly anime. the only problem is i'm not exactly an expert on anime, myself. i'll prbly just have pix and stuff and the whole theme'll be anime. if you have any suggestions email or if u have questions or comments u can email that address 2. thanx! ps: i dunno what the background is. i just found it on (an awesome site for kewl stuff 4 sites and other stuff) and i thought it was cute. lol.

6.28.03~this is the last day i'm working on this site for 8 weeks!!!! i hope you all don't miss me too much ^_^ anyway, tell everyone about this site and tell them to EMAIL ME WITH SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS!!!!!! i'd really love to hear what other people think no matter how mean or nice or anything it is. okay, i added another Inu Yasha background and i'm about to add some Inuyasha pix. also added 3 Hamtaro characters so far. so, by everyone! i'll miss u! lol ^_^
6.27.03~Lata~i added some backgrounds of Inuyasha! i also made my own and added it. it's not much, but it has funni pix and it was worth a shot.
6.27.03~urg! this website is really getting on my nerves! nothing is working! my image uploadings are not working and so i can't paste on the fun Inuyasha backgrounds i found :( o, and i thought you might want to know: on this blog box, (i think) is a picture of Inuyasha and Kagome! Kagome is the re-encarnation of like Kikyo or something, this princess - or is it a preistess? anyway, she (Kagome) is in love with Inuyasha, and Inuyasha is in love with her. but, Kagome thinks that's only because she's the re-encarnation of Kikyo or whatever.
6.26.03~i'm adding more animations and pictures. added (so far) only Zoids pic...oops
6.25.03~this is the first day of the NEW theme and layoutish of the site. there isn't really much of a layout tho, is there? so, i really need some help with this site and i'm sure only my friends who i tell about this site are going to be looking at it, but, if anyone who's good at working on sites happens to see this, EMAIL ME PLEASE because i really REALLY need help on this. i'm bad with html and all that stuff so any help would be greatly appreciated. thanx! btw: incase u didnt no, on this blog box that's a pic of Inuyasha and that girl who's on the show. there are two normal looking girls on the show and i think this one is the schoolgirl that's in love with Inuyasha and ALSO: Inuyasha is not an old man (like i thought when i first saw the show), he has grey hair because he is a wolf demon! lol. okay i'm done now. bye!

G~petz - Bgs, Blogs, n more

This is Pashmina from Hamtaro (i think). i like Hamtaro cuz it's a really cute show, but i always miss it when it's on TV. oops.

this (i think) is Bijou or something from Hamtaro. she's another cute character and she's from like france or something.

It looks like this is Hamtaro either after he has run a mile, or after he has just been in a hot sauna or steam room. ^_^

I no i haven't made them up (probably) and i no they're not anime, but here are some fun smilies! they're more exciting than the ones that are just :) :D :(
^_^ is like in anime when the people are smiling and their eyes are closed
*_* is star-struck
!_! is surprised (the dots are the eyes and the lines are like eyebrows or something - lol)
@_@ is dazed
$_$ that's like in cartoons when the pupils in their eyes turn into dollar signs (in non-anime american cartoons).
~.~ is like a weird dissapointed face, i guess. the ~ is the eyes and the . is the nose. or it could be like a singing face and the . is the mouth.
just so you no, for all of those, the underscore at the bottom _ was meant to be the mouth. except for the last one.
okay done with my weird faces ^_^

I'm not quite sure what to put on now. i was searching for Inuyasha backgrounds and i found this site with anime backgrounds, so here it is! but beware: it's in some weird language. Weird anime background site

this is an animation from a weird show called Zoids. it's about these people and their robots or something..i've only seen it once. it's really weird, tho.

Kewl Inuyasha and Kagome background
Okay i'm not sure if this is gonna work, but i'm not sure how to make Blog Boxes because is "under construction"! :-P anyway, i'm going to try and paste the code so that you can copy that and put it into your website or whatever and have the background from the link above.

Inuyasha wallpaper I made!
I'm not so good at making wallpapers (yet) so that one I made isn't so good. here's the code if you want to paste it somewhere. it isn't really the right shape for a desktop, though. but you can still use it! :)

Um, i'm not quite sure who this background is of. it looks like maybe that warrior person who's on it (Inuyasha). o well.
here's the code for the background from the link above:

this is the funniest background of Inuyasha. just look at what Kagome is doing to Inuyasha....
here's the code for that background:

okay, so, back to those cute pix from Hamtaro...

this is Hamtaro looking really cute and walking....around.....

here are Hamtaro and Bijou blinking.

i'm gonna post some pix from Inuyasha now. sum of them are from the background i made. i would post the code for some of them, but i don't have permission from the owners of these pix (more like screen caps, i guess) to post the link. so here u go!
Kagome and Shippou
Kagome begs
Inu Yasha is very mad; i'm scared
ouch (different from "ow")
okay, i hope u enjoyed those. now i have to go and look for other stuff to add.......

i would like to apologize for any spelling errors on this site. everything in anime seems to be spelled 2384239483 different ways. please do not think me an ignorant fool because of it. thank you ^_^ but, if there are any errors you want me to correct, please email thanks so much!


Kewl Sites (i no, i no, they're not all anime)

Hayden Christensen!!!
Orlando Bloom
Neopets~an awesome site where you can do really kewl stuff
a kewl site like Gpets (
An awesome site for html help!