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Bible Studies

Old Testament:
[Gen] [Exo] [Lev] [Num] [Deu] [Jos] [Jdg] [Rut] [1Sa] [2Sa] [1ki] [2ki] [1Ch] [2Ch] [Ezr] [Neh] [Est] [Job] [Psa] [Pro] [Ecc] [Sol] [Isa] [Jer] [Lam] [Eze] [Dan] [Hos] [Joe] [Amo] [Oba] [Jon] [Mic] [Nah] [Hab] [Zep] [Hag] [Zec] [Mal]

New Testament:
[Mat] [Mar] [Luk] [Joh] [Act] [Rom] [1Co] [2Co] [Gal] [Eph] [Phi] [Col] [1Th] [2Th] [1Ti] [2Ti] [Tit] [Phl] [Heb] [Jam] [1Pe] [2Pe] [1Jo] [2Jo] [3Jo] [Jud] [Rev]

- Creation and the Magnificent Word
- Men weaved of God in the womb, born of water
- Worldly Trainning...(that has Lead the Hearts of Men Backward from God)
. . - Results of following the teachings of the Godless
- The Carnal Mind...(and it's Limited Understanding of Scripture)
- Christian Basic Training...(desiring to begin the quest to salvation)
- Growing in God and Christ
. . - a) Babes in Christ (Child of God)
. . - b) Children (of the King of kings)
. . - c) Young Men and Women in Christ
. . - d) Adults in Christ
. . - e) Aged in the knowledge of the Word, spiritual growth and understanding
- Speech: How it effects us, others and our relationship with God.
. - Sermon of the babbler, the rabbi and the feather pillow

1. Christian Basic Trainning
1a. . - The carnal mind & heart - (unborn of the Spirit of Christ)
1a. . . - Who and What is God?
1a. . . - Who and what to believe?
1a. . . - Reliability of the Holy Scriptures
1a. . . - Beginners in Christ (Babes in Christ)
. . - Why do we need Yeshua (Jesus) as a Messiah (Savior)?
. . - Start reading the Book (Gospel of) John

2. Growing in God and Christ
. . - Growing in the knowledge of God and Christ
. . . - Legalism has TWO definitions?
. . - Growing in the Spirit of God and Christ