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Jedi Revolutions



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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. . . .


You have been recruited by the New Republic to serve them with your fledgling abilities in the Force. You will be guided to glory as a Jedi Knight by famous Jedi Masters such as:  Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master Leia Organa Solo, Jedi Master Mara Jade, and Jedi Master Kyp Durron.  Be wary of the Dark Side, it taints many, and leads to their inevitable Destruction.

The time period for this guild is about 35 years after the Battle of Endor.  The Battle of Endor was the decisive space battle in which the Second Death Star was destroyed by the New Republic, Emperor Palpatine was killed by Darth Vader, and Luke came to terms with his father.  Many things have changed, giving way to many possibilities in which to live one's life in the Galaxy. . . .


Update # 0




If you would like to join, or have any questions, e-mail the Guild Masters:

Ahriman /\ Sephiroth /\ Trigitt


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