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"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices, - holy and pleasing, this is your spiritual act of worship." Romans 12: 1

Here, Paul is talking about how important it is to God that you make sacrifices for Him. "..., in view of God's Mercy..." Paul is saying, Hey! look at what God did! He gave his ONLY son, Jesus Christ, as THE ULTIMATE sacrifice. When Paul says, "... offer your bodies..." hes not saying that to please God you have to die! No! He is simply saying to give your everything for God. There should be nothing between you and God. I agree that making sacrifices soes not sound the most appealing thing in the Chritian life. Yet once you do it, you're hooked! Sacrificing things is extremely rewarding. Just this other weekend my church and I went off on a missions trip in skid row in LA. We worked in the Union Rescue Mission. At first my thoughts were that I was giving up my time and energy. But it went much farther than that, I came away from this trip with a lot more than just diry clothes. I was able to see the other half of life. And experience a different side of God. Through extreme flexibility and loving we made it through the trip and it was wonderful. So if you feel God is pulling you towards making some sort of sacrifice, I strongly suggest that you do not hesitate. The opportunity might pass you by if you do. God always has a reason. God Bless! Brother