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The Writings of James the Prophet of
Yeshua Ha Mashiach.












The Word of God.



Men shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.


Yeshua said that His sheep know His voice and He knows His sheep by name.


"Listen to my voice and learn it well, my son for it is I who has created you and not you yourself. If a man has not my understanding, how can he claim to be teaching my words with my understanding? Likewise, if a man is not listening to my voice how can he proclaim my will to another? He cannot.?"


"How then do you being an earthly son of your earthly father know your earthly father's voice if you refuse to listen to for his voice. From your birth, you have learned the sound of your earthly fathers voice and are able to recognize it. If you have learned how to recognize his voice, how is it that you fail to recognize my voice when I speak to you?"


Yes, both our Father God and our Brother, Yeshua, talk to us in an audible voice. Some times, they have come to me while I was listening to a preacher and some times they have come to me while I was busy studying the Bible or doing work around the house. I have had them talk to me while I was walking down a busy street and again while I was eating a meal. I have had long heart to heart discussion with them and I have also just sat down and listened.


Yes, this has caused some problems for me. Well not exactly for me but rather for those around me. I have been accused of listening to strange spirits and having delusional episodes. After all one of the sure signs of insanity is to be able to carry on a complete conversation with God. I say something and then I listen to the response upon which I then respond. To some this is a sure sign that I have lost total sense of reality and I need to be protected from myself. To be perfect honest I too felt that way the first time God talked to me. I mean I have to face a few facts here. I am a Vietnam Combat Vet and we have been known to loose it at times. However, the more God and Yeshua spoke to me the more I became aware of their continual presence in my life.


At first, I was not prepared and I was unable to find any way out. It all started like this. Just after I gave my life over to the Lord, I began carrying my Bible with me everywhere I went. I was a college student at the time and I would carry my Bible with me to classes looking for an opportunity to witness. Only as soon as people saw the Bible tucked under my arm they would go out of their way to avoid me. Then one day I was running later and I inadvertently left my Bible at home. As I was sitting on the bus going down town to school I began to get afraid that someone would ask me a question and I would not be able to minister to them. After all, I was taught how to witness using the Bible to prove every word I said. I had every passage well marked and I had paper clips to help me find the pages fast. Just then a young lady began talking to me and the topic of discussion quickly lead to the Lord. Not knowing what else to do I went into my prayer closet and yelled out in a very bold voice, "Lord HELP!" Then I opened my mouth and I began to speak. Only it wasn't me doing the talking it was the Lord talking to her through me. All I could do was sit there, listen and learn. As I got off of the bus to go to class I ran into another person and the Lord began ministering to him through me. Needless to say I didn't make any of my classes that day as the Lord lead me from one person to another as He ministered to their needs.


That evening when I arrived home the first thing I did was grab my Bible and I began reading to make sure that what I had been telling people was actually in the Bible. I was raised Presbyterian and we seldom actually read the Bible so I had no prior knowledge of a lot of what I had been telling people throughout the day. The following morning I made sure to have my Bible with me and yes, I made every class on time and after my last class was over I went home. This went on for about a month. Every time I took my Bible with me I was not able to witness to a single person and when I left my Bible at home I spent the entire day witnessing to people.


Then one night while I was deep in study with my three Bibles, my Strong's and my Hebrew books spread out on the table infront of me the Lord came to me. "What are you doing?" He inquired.


"Studying your word Lord," I responded, "so I will better know what to say to people."


Just then the Lord flipped the pages of one of my Bibles to the Book of John and He told me to read where it says that he must leave but He would not leave us comfortless. After reading the passage He then turned the pages to where it is written that we are not to live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.


He told me that I was not to seek the teachings of men and he told me that when I needed something explained to simply ask Him for the definition or translation. He put it like this. Why go to a man for a man's reasoning or a man's understanding when you can go directly to God. After all what is better? To get man's misunderstandings or to get God's understanding directly for Him. Now that got me questioning my own sanity. Then a few days later while I was listening to a Preacher on the radio expounding on how God works in strange and mysterious ways the Lord bellowed out, "It is not me who works in strange and mysterious way. I am the same yesterday, today and forever." He shouted. "My ways are perfect." "If anyone works in strange and mysterious way it is you." The Lord began to explian. "I tell you to be patient and to wait and what do you do? You get up and run in this direction and in that. I tell you to go and what do you do? You go seeking confirmation from this pastor and that brother."


Shortly there after I went to see a psychologist and on my way, I was side tracked by some of the people I had been ministering to over the past few weeks. They began telling me about the great things that had happened in their lives and how the word I had told them had made a big difference in their lives. One person told me how they had been scheduled to have an operation and how after I had ministered to them they were totally healed and didn't need the operation. As more and more people began telling me what the Lord was doing I could feel Him standing beside me grinning from ear to ear.


That was the last time I questioned my sanity. I know that He knows His sheep by name and His sheep know and recognize His voice. Then He was able to open up my understanding. He showed me that most of us go into our prayer closets and we spend 15 minutes to several hours talking to him in intercession for a brother or a sister or to place our needs before Him then we leave. Meanwhile He is standing right there waiting for a chance to say something. It is almost as if we are either too afraid or we are too busy to wait a few minutes to hear His voice and to carry on a complete conversation with Him. I have gotten to the point where when I have not heard Him talking to me that I start up a conversation with Him just to get His reassurance that He is there with me. If I am out side and I happen to look up at the clouds and I see different shapes in the clouds I will thank Him for such magnificent art work. Likewise, at dusk as the sun is setting in the sky I will thank Him for such a beautiful sunset. Only God can form a cloud into the shape of a man or an animal or a car. Only God is able to turn the morning sky or night sky into bright colors while bathing the clouds in all kinds of pastels. Likewise only God is able to tell us exactly what He demands of us only we must be willing to listen and be willing to learn to recognize His voice.


Yeshua knows His sheep by name and His sheep know His voice. If you do not recognize His voice then you need to get into your prayer closet and seek His face and then wait and listen for Him to talk to you. You may have to go into prayer and fasting. When you do say Here I am Lord. Teach me, minister to me and send me out. Then listen for His voice it will come to you as you wait and listen for His voice to come to you. Do not be afraid that the voices you hear are not from the Lord. While you are in a period of prayer and fasting the Lord will block out all other voices and the only voices you can hear are his. Just remember He wants to talk directly to you, you need to hear His voice to build you own faith in Him and together you will come to know each other. As Father and Child and like Brother and Brother and like Brother and Sister.



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