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The Writings of James the Prophet of
Yeshua Ha Mashiach.












The Valley of Shadows

Once while I was walking along a road with my Lord He took me to a dark and scary place. As we walked, I felt no fear as He was walking next to me. Just then, I saw an enormous figure standing in front of us. It was very terrifying with large head and very large claws. It made a growling sound much like that of a lion and when it roared it sound shook everything around us.


Just then, the Lord pointed to a very small light and a very small creature standing in front of it. "This my Brother," Yeshua began instructing me, "is Satan. As you can see he is very small and powerless yet he projects a great and frightening image against the wall. Therefore, look not at the shadow nor the size of it but rather look at the shadow's source and understand that the shadow cannot harm you because it is just a shadow.


The Devil has no power or authority over anybody. He is already defeated. He has already been stripped of whatever powers and authority he once had by our Brother Yeshua. Think of it like this. The Devil is like a great and mighty battleship that has run out of ammunition, fuel and has been set adrift on a great ocean. His great and mighty guns that once wreaked havoc upon men are now rusted from the salt air, the breaches rusted shut and useless. His once proud haul and decks are now being slowly eaten away by the sea as he bobs helplessly at the mercy of the ocean that surrounds him.


The Lord showed me that everything I believed the Devil was able to do was nothing more than shadows in my mind. Before Satan was cast out of the world by our Brother Yeshua, Satan was able to fill the hearts of men with sin. When men attempt to hide their sin from God by some other menas than how the Lord has established they must distorts the Word of God to meet man's needs and desires. It is this that causes men to harden their hearts against the things of God in the name of this religion or that theological belief. This has created great and might shadows in the hearts and minds of men to keep them slaves to their religiosity placing their religion above God.


As long as we look at the shadows cast on the walls of the valley and do not look at the source of the shadows we will continue living in an unrealistic fear of what the devil is unable to do. Satan has been beaten, bound and tossed into place he is unable to escape. The Lord Yeshua has removed Satan from out of the world. Prior to Yeshua's death on the cross Satan was the ruler (prince) of this world. After the blood sacrifice of Yeshua, Satan was over thrown and cast out of the world stripped of his power and authority over men.


Since Satan and the fallen angles of God have been removed from out of the world, any preacher or any teacher who teaches that Satan is still active in the world today, are liars creating shadows in the hearts and minds of men.

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