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The Writings of James the Prophet of
Yeshua Ha Mashiach.












The Building of a Church



Very shortly after I felt the calling of the Lord to go forth and to minister I began planning 5to build Him a great and mighty Church. I had drawn out the floor plans and the basic idea of how I thought the structure should look like. I had put many hours into the drawings and had made arrangements to collect the money needed to build it. Just then, the Lord took me to an open field and He began to instruct me.


At first we just stood there looking at each other when the Lord commanded me to pick up a tree limb that had fallen near by and a stone that was laying on the ground next to me. After I had picked up the tree limb and the stone the Lord told me to throw them into the air and command them to become a church building. Tossing the stone first I commanded it to become the foundation for the church building then immediately afterwards I tossed the tree limb into the air and commanded it to become the church structure. As the stone hit the ground it became the foundation for the church then as the tree limb landed on top of the foundation it became the church structure pews and all.


Then the Lord told me that if He wanted us to build Him great and magnificent cathedrals He would have built them himself. He pointed out how He took His ministry to the where the people lived. Then He reminded me how He taught from boats or from a rock along the seashore while His disciples baptized people in the Sea of Galilee. The Lord told me that we are to hold ?Church? whenever and where ever a crowd is gathered to hear His words.


Yeshua told me that he tried to have a church service indoors. He even bought a house to hold it in but the crowd became so large that people ripped the roof off the place just to get to Him. Now that is what you call bringing down the roof. He laughed and he spoke.


My own disciples wanted to build a great and mighty building on the mount of transfiguration. Now that would have been a sight to see. If the Jews hadn?t destroyed it the Romans surely would have. I?ll tell you just how gullible most men really are Yeshua explained to me. They have build a church at the place they believe I was buried. Well I was never buried in that tomb. That tomb was attacked by grave robbers who removes everything that was in it. The person who was buried there was very rich and he was buried with many of his possessions. The robbers wanted his gold so they broke into it and they took everything they could carry. Then the dogs went in, drug the body away and devoured it. A fitting ending for the man and the people who choose to memorialize every thing, even the grave of a very rich sinner.


Then Yeshua said, ?My Brother the size of a man?s congregation does not lye in the greatness of a building. For what good is the greatest building if it houses sinners and evil men? No my Brother the size of a man?s congregation is the sum total number of people he has ministered to and whom have taken his work to yet others. For the man who seeks to lead others to me and in doing so establishes himself as least among men will be the greatest man among them all. For whomsoever seeks to build great and mighty building has his just reward.


Remember this my Brother my house is in the hearts of men, my alter is the tongs of men and the only accepted sacrifice is the praises of men. This my Brother carry with you always for I do not seek after great and mighty buildings. Your churches have become an abomination unto me and you worship services are nothing more than the swine and the dogs devouring each other. The Spirit which my Father has given you cannot be imprisoned behind building made of brick and mortar but rather is housed within the hearts of men.



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