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A Message for Israel

Hear me oh Israel, as the world hates me so to do the nations of the world hate you. Because I have called you out of the nations of the world and have set you in the place of priests to the world does the world hate you and does persecute you. For I am the Lord your God and the world hates me so to do the nations of the world hate you.

Fear not during times of trouble and persecution oh Israel for I am with you and I am protecting you. If I stand beside you oh Israel who is it who is able to stand against you? For I am the Lord, your God and I have made the way for you. All peoples, nations and every tongs will confess that I am the Lord God Almighty. The Lord God of Israel who is greater than all other gods.

When your enemies have gathered at your gates, I have destroyed them. As your enemies plot against you, I have seen their works and have moved against them. Hear me oh Israel for I am the Lord your God and you shall have no other gods before me. I am the Lord your God and I have commanded you to remove all of the pagan temples from the land I have given you yet you allow them to remain on my most Holy of ground. I the Lord your God have commanded you to drive the heathens from my land and you have allowed them to stay.

Shalom and back