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The Writings of James the Prophet of
Yeshua Ha Mashiach.












Spiritual Combat and Worshiping the Devil



Whenever we go into spiritual combat, we are to do so boldly and without any fear. Far too many times, when a person attempts to go up against the enemy they do so as if the enemy has power or authority over them. Whenever engaging any enemy one of the first and most important rules of engagement is to know your enemy. Know how he thinks, operates, his strengths, his weaknesses, and most of all what tactics he likes to use in battle.


The Devil has no power or authority over anybody. He is already defeated. He has already been stripped of whatever powers and authority he once had by our Brother Yeshua. Think of it like this. The Devil is like a great and mighty battleship that has run out of ammunition, fuel and has been set adrift on a great ocean. His great and mighty guns that once wreaked havoc upon men are now rusted from the salt air, the breaches rusted shut and useless. His once proud haul and decks are now being slowly eaten away by the sea as he bobs helplessly at the mercy of the ocean that surrounds him. The only weapons left for the Devil to use are lies. He is called the deceiver and the prince of lies.


There is only one way to beat the enemy and that is with the Word of God. When the serpent tempted Eve, he used deception and lies. Eve tried to attack the serpent with her own authority and was defeated. Even as Children of the Living God, we have no real authority over the enemy. Every time our Brother Yeshua went up against the enemy, he always said ?It is written . . .? and he quoted the proper scripture verse or else he acted in the name of God the Father. When we get the big head and we start believing that we have some sort of authority over the enemy or we believe that the enemy has some sort of authority over us we start worshiping the Devil. Yes, Devil worship is quite prevalent in the Church today.


Oh, Brother pray for me the Devil is doing this or that to me. Satan I take authority over you and I command you to do this or that. This is nothing more than worshiping the Devil and giving Satan credit for stuff that a lot of times he has nothing to do with. An example: we want something to happen in our lives but the Lord knows that it will be harmful to us so the Lord prevents it and keeps it from happening. What do some people do? They go running to their pastor or another brother and ask them to help them to take authority over the Devil. It is written to trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding and to acknowledge Him in ALL things. If you really want to get God ticked off at you just give the Devil credit for things the Lord is doing in your life.


When we give the Lord control over our situations and circumstances, he is the Lord of the situation and the circumstance and the Devil is removed completely from the picture. We have to face a few facts here. A lot of time what we want and what God wants for us are two entirely different things or at best the manner in which we want to do something is not exactly the way in which the Lord wants us to do it. It is written all sin shall be forgiven man except for blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. That is giving Satan credit for the thing that God is doing through the Holy Spirit.


Whenever we give Satan credit for doing anything we are lifting up praised to the Devil and we are worshiping him. In some cases, this thing of worshiping Satan has gotten totally out of hand. I had a very good friend who after listening to a preacher teaching on demon possession went into a three day fast during which time she was casting demons out of everything in her home. I mean she was casting demons out of her closets and her clothing, out of her stove and even her furniture. She had even purchased prayer clothes that had some magical power to keep the demons away. I have known people that all they seem to be able to talk about is what Satan has been doing to them and their family. This is nothing more than Satan worship and it has absolutely no place in the Church.


When a person is indwelt with the Holy Spirit, the Sheckina Glory of our Father emanates and fills whatever room or place they happen to be. Neither Satan nor any of his fallen angles are able to stand in the presence of God and they must flee before us. They have no other choice but to run as fast as they can. Every time we enter into ministry with another person the Holy Spirit totally engulfs us even when we are ministering to a sinner or non-believer and protects us from thier sin and whatever demons they may have living in them. If a person is demon possessed the demons will always identify themselves as soon as they come into our presence or else the person who has the demon will avoid us at all costs.


Go boldly my Brothers and Sisters expecting the Lord to do battle for us. I have heard it said that we must not minister to a witch or a person who is deep into satanic worship unless you have some kind of special training. Go boldly my Brothers and Sisters expecting the Lord to do battle for us. I have heard it said that we are not to attempt to cast out demons less the demons attack us and they possess our bodies. If a person has the Holy Spirit dwelling within them this is impossible as the demons must flee from the Holy Spirit. Go boldly my Brothers and Sisters expecting the Lord to do battle for us. For it is written the victory is the Lord?s.


Shalom and back