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The Writings of James the Prophet of
Yeshua Ha Mashiach.












Devil Worship in the Church



It is written that the Lord is the alpha and omega, the beginner and the finisher of our faith. The Lord is the only one who deserves our worship. Him alone is worthy of our praise and honor.


Have you not read in the Scriptures: Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart, and lean not upon thine own understanding: In all thy ways acknowledge him.


When we accept the blood sacrifice of the Lord Yeshua and are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and the enemy can not prevail against us. We are one with the Father as our Brother Yeshua is one with the Father. We have been transformed and are called the Children of God. The same Spirit that indwells our Brother Yeshua indwells in each of us.


So many times in our lives, we want to do something or we want something to happen that for whatever reason the Lord does not want to happen. This cause a conflict in our lives and many of us would rather place the blame on the Devil and we start rebuking the Devil and taking authority over him. It then becomes very easy for them to hide their disobedience by blaming everything that does not go their way on the Devil. It is written: Every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. Blasphemy is giving credit to Satan for the works of God through the Holy Spirit. When people give the Devil credit for interfering in their lives when it is actually God working through the Holy Spirit they are in fact blaspheming against the Holy Spirit.


However, Devil worship often takes a much more sinister form in far too many churches. Every time any body give the Devil credit for being able to do anything they are in fact praising or worshiping the Devil. They are lifting up their sacrifice of praise to Satan and are bowing down to him as their god.


The Devil has no power or authority over anybody. He is already defeated. He has already been stripped of whatever powers and authority he once had by our Brother Yeshua. Think of it like this. The Devil is like a great and mighty battleship that has run out of ammunition, fuel and has been set adrift on a great ocean. His great and mighty guns that once wreaked havoc upon men are now rusted from the salt air, the breaches rusted shut and useless. His once proud haul and decks are now being slowly eaten away by the sea as he bobs helplessly at the mercy of the ocean that surrounds him.


It is written: Trust in Jehovah with all thy heart, and lean not upon thine own understanding: In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he will direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes; Fear Jehovah, and depart from evil: it will be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.


When we trust in the Lord, we realize that He is the Lord of our situations and our circumstances. Therefore, when things do not go the way we expect them to we already know that there is one of two reason why things are working out the way they are. Either we are in disobedience to God and we need to ask God to forgive us or else God is protecting us from an unseen danger and we need to praise Him for protecting us. Problems arise with us and our misconception of spiritual realities. When we realize that Satan is no longer in the picture and we start looking at our situations and our circumstances with the understanding that God is in total control over every thing that happens to us we are able to get away from Satan worship and we will live an over coming life.


Have you not hear that our sin separates us from our Father and our Brother Yeshua? Sin is disobedience to God. When we are living in sin we can rebuke the Devil all we want but as long as we are continuing in our sin our situation and our circumstances will only get worse until we wise up and ask God to forgive us our sin. Our own sin will bring sickness upon us. Sin will cause a debilitating condition to over take our bodies. Sin is a sickness leading to our final death. Once again, the Devil has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Sin comes from our own fleshly wants and desires. Just as Adam and Eve tried to hide their sin from God by dressing themselves with leaves we try to hide our sins from God by rebuking the Devil when because of our own sin we find ourselves in deep troubles.


Listen and obey, when we find ourselves in a situation or a circumstance where we know the Lord does not want us to be we must get into the Holy of Holies standing before our Father asking Him to forgive us and asking Him to tell us what we did wrong. The Lord is always faithful and yes, He will tell us exactly what we did wrong and what we must do to correct it. I once wrote a check believing the Lord would provide the funding to make the check good. I had been listening to a radio preacher telling people that if they believe God is able, that they can write a check for whatever amount and the Lord will provide the funding according to His riches and glory. Well I found myself in jail facing several years of imprisonment for writing a check I was unable to cover. When I went before the Lord and I asked Him what I had done wrong He told me that I was guilty of stealing. I had used the check to purchase some food for a Brother so He could feed his family. Then the Lord told me that He needed me inside that jail cell because there was a young man there whom He wanted for himself and the Lord needed me there to minister to that individual. It was my sin that put me in jail and it was by my asking my Father to forgive me that He was able to use me to minister to a person that no one else was able to reach. I could have entered Devil worship and taken authority over the Devil and rebuked Him. After all the preacherman said that if I wrote the check that God would provide the funds according to His riches and glory and I know for a fact that I would have spent the next 5 years rebuking the Devil while I occupied a jail cell. That didn?t happen. I was out of jail within 3 days.


Why didn?t it happen simply because I refused to give the Devil the credit. I refuse to allow my flesh to lead me into worshiping the Devil. I have learned that God is the Lord of my situation and my circumstances and I have learned how to praise God in all things, through all things and in spite of all things. I have learned that when thing start going wrong and I seem to have lost control over the situation and the circumstance that I am to go before the Lord my God and ask Him what did I do wrong. I then ask Him to forgive me and I ask Him what I must do to correct the situation or circumstance. He always forgives me and He always tells me exactly how to correct things.


Those who have ears let them hear the voice of the Lord. Our God, our Father is the only one who has earned our praise, honor and our worship. When we remove Satan from the picture and we start giving the Lord all of the glory He so rightly disserves then we do not have to worry about the devil or what he can?t do. We learn that when the Lord is preventing us from doing something we want to do that He is doing it to protect us and keep us from harm. We are then able to understand the way God works and we are better able to deal with life?s problems.


Shalom and back