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The Writings of James the Prophet of
Yeshua Ha Mashiach.












What is Sin?



Sin is the disobedience to God. In the Garden of Eden God told Adam and Eve that they may not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. They disobeyed God and they ate the fruit. Thus, sin entered the world.


Sin is the worst disease a person can have. It cripples people and the end result is always death. Sin will destroy a person?s life making them miserable and lonely. It will destroy relationships between people and it will control a person?s life. Sin forces people to do things and say thing they do not really want to do or say. Then in the final end sin will kill us. It keeps us separated from of Lord Yeshua our deliver from the final death and our Father God who has prepared a place for us to live with him.


We have all heard it said that misery loves company and a miserable person must share their misery with everyone around them. Well sin is the same way. When Satan fell from Heaven, he took one third of God's angles with him. He was miserable in his sin and he needed to share his sin with someone else. Only everyone else around him was just as miserable as he was so he saw an opportunity to share his sin with Adam and Even and he took it. After receiving sin from Satan, Adam and Eve just had to share it with their children and so on and so forth throughout the generations of men.


Now God being a loving and caring God made a way for the forgiveness of sin and the total restoration of all mankind. Hell and the Lake of Fire were never intended for man. They were created for Satan and the fallen angles of God. So, God the Father sent His only Son into the world to be the perfect sin sacrifice. Before that man could only place an animal on an alter and offer a burnt sacrifice for the temporary forgiveness of their sins. Yeshua went willingly onto the cross and shed his blood as the only perfect sacrifice for the permanent forgiveness of all is. Yeshua did this because like our Father God he loved us all so very much and he did not want to see any of us burn in the Lake of Fire where we would be totally and utterly destroyed.


Yeshua bore our punishment for our sins and he forgave us before we were ever born. By his sacrifice Yeshua bought us back from Satan who had a legal claim on each of us and sanctified each of us Holy before our Father God. Yeshua made it possible for our Father God to be able to call us His Children. However, our Father God being a just and a fair God would never ever force His will upon anyone. He gives us a choice. We can either continue living in our sin or else we can accept the blood sacrifice made by Yeshua as our atonement for our sin.


When a person accepts the blood sacrifice of Yeshua as their own personal atonement for their sin the old man or woman dies and a new person is born within them. They are no longer by themselves but they become one with our Father God, the Son Yeshua and they are indwelled by the Holy Spirit. We become as much a Child of the living God as Yeshua is.


Once we are recreated a Child of the Living God, we are one with the Creator of the universe. Everything we say and do we say and we do in His name. Good or evil; right or wrong. The Lord tells us that when a man or a woman commit adultery that they are forcing their spouse to sleep with another person of their same sex. This is an abomination before the Lord. However, when a Child of God commits adultery they are not only forcing their spouse into sleeping with another person of the same sex but they are forcing God to be a partaker in their sin. They are committing a sin in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. All sin is against God's character and He is forced to separate Himself from us when this happens. That is why it become of the utmost importance that we ask for forgiveness as soon as we have committed a sin.


Now there are two basic types of sin. There are the sins we remember and there are the sins we have forgotten all about. The sins we remember are easy to get rid of. When we accept the blood sacrifice we take those sins we remember committing and we place them on the alter when we ask God to forgive us all of our sins and we state them aloud directly to God. By saying our sins one at a time and specifically what each of them are the Lord is able to take our sins from us completely. If we hold them inside ourselves and we say them one at a time in our minds they will remain inside of us until we speak them aloud to get rid of them.


That brings us to the sins of non-remembrance. It is written that whomsoever believes on the Son will not parish but have everlasting life. As we go about our daily lives, the Lord will remind us of our past sins that we have not asked forgiveness for. As this happens, we are to ask Him to forgive us. If it is a sin against another person, we are to go to that person and ask them to forgive us. Then there are things we do out of habit. Such as walking through a door at the store without looking to see if there is someone behind us as we allow the door to shut in their face. These too the Lord will bring to our attention and yes, He fully expects us to make a concerted effort to change that habit with His help. Then over time we change our habits as we grow closer to Yeshua and our Father God.

Shalom and Back