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The Writings of James the Prophet of
Yeshua Ha Mashiach.












There is a Cure for

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder



It has been called the never-ending nightmare. It is a mental disorder that leaves its victims afraid, guilt ridden and unable to function in society. The good news is that there is a cure for it and no; it does not come in a bottle.


When a person asks God to forgive them all of their sins, God takes that person and He recreates them a new person. The old person is killed never to return. Then after that person receives the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, God removes all of the fear and guilt and he replaces it with His divine love and a peace that far surpasses human understanding.


It works better than all of the group therapy, pills and doctors in the world. It works the same for everybody and without any nasty side effects. Not only that but it will only cost you your sins. That is right all you have to do is to ask God to forgive you and He will remove your sins from you as far as the east is from the west and then he will take your sins and drop them into the pool of forgetfulness and He will remember them no more.


Feel guilty for surviving in Vietnam? Give God your guilt and he will replace it with His eternal peace. Maybe you feel guilty about raping someone or for killing a civilian? Give it over to the Lord and accept His peace. No matter what the guilt is and no matter how bad the sin the Lord is more than willing to forgive you. At one time or another, we have all committed some sin or another. Some of us have committed a lot more than just one or two sins and the Lord is gracious enough to forgive us all of our sin.


I know it works because it worked for me and every other Vietnam Combat Vet I have ministered too.

Shalom Please Continue