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Why do you struggle?


We already have the VICTORY!


“The battle is mine.” says the Lord God Almighty, “the VICTORY has already been WON”.  If the Lord God Almighty is standing with you then who is able to stand against you?  After all there is NO weapon formed against you that will prosper. No rumor, lie or personal attack can hurt you or defeat you.


If God is able to kill 10,000 well armed and expertly trained men using a single man and the jawbone of an ass don’t you think he is MORE than able to do the same for you his child? Look at the birds. They neither sew nor do they reap yet our Heavenly Father takes care of the birds.  How much more does our Heavenly Father care for his children?


Whenever we are being attacked we have got to remember that our attackers are not attacking us but he who abides with us. Our Heavenly Father is more than able to defend himself against any and all attackers. We have got to get in the habit of praying for our attackers asking our Heavenly Father to forgive our attackers realizing that their attacks are not against us but rather they are directed at our Heavenly Father.


No one, not even Satan, is able to attack our Heavenly Father and live.


Therefore we MUST pray for them that our Heavenly Father will forgive them so they too may come to know his LOVE and they too may be brought out of the darkness and delivered into the life to have eternal life too.


Victory OVER our personal battles.


Our personal battles are the Lord’s and we need to let him fight them for us. It does not matter if our personal battle is our weight, smoking, lust, anger, fear, doubt or any combination. Our Father tells us that HE IS OUR VICTORY. 


We simply turn our battles over to him and we allow him to fight them for us knowing that we already have the VICTORY over our weight, smoking, lust, anger, fear, doubt or any combination.


These are some of the hardest fought battles since not only does the Lord have to fight the desires of our bodies which is causing the problems but he has to deal with us at the same time. A lot of people fail to realize this and once they fail to see immediate results they continue their battle feeling alone and forgotten. The truth is that once a person hands the battle over to the Lord the fighting has just begun and they must still endure until they see the Lord’s final Victory in their life. Realizing that NOTHING happens that God has not already preordained and EVERYTHING happens in God’s perfect timing and not a minute sooner or a second later.


Victory OVER the attacks of the Devil.


So many times I have had people come to me stating that they are under HEAVY satanic attack asking that I pray for them. I simply ask them, “Why are they allowing Satan to do this to them?


And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. (Matthew 10:1)  Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth.  Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; (John 17:17-20)


And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:14-15) 


We have been given authority over the unclean spirits as well as Satan himself.  Satan’s place in this world is UNDER our feet and NOT ruling over us or our lives.  Adam and Eve tried reasoning with Satan only to be lead into sin by Satan. Yeshua used the words of our Heavenly Father and put Satan in his place. Every time Yeshua did battle with Satan he always said, “It is written.” Then Yeshua quoted God’s words.  When we go into battle with Satan we too are not to go running to pastor soandso or teacher whatshisname but rather as soon as we see we are being attacked we IMMEDIATELY put Satan in his place saying, “It is written.” and quoting God’s words exactly as God spoke them.

