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The Adulteress


Early one morning the scribes and the Pharisees barged into the house of a well know merchant where they found the merchant’s wife having sex with a man who was not her husband. Knocking the man from off of the woman one of the Pharisees grabbed the woman by her hair and pulled her naked out of the bed. The woman was screaming and crying as the Pharisee drug her through her home and out into the street where a great crowd awaited taunting her. This created a great precession as the Pharisees drug the moan by her hair down the street to the temple in Jerusalem where Yeshua was teaching the people.


The Pharisee who had been dragging the woman forced her to the ground in front of Yeshua. There the woman lay on the ground crying naked with the bodily fluids still fresh between her legs from having sex. Then one of the Pharisees said to Yeshua, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act.” The Pharisee pointed to the woman’s pubic area. “In the law Moses commanded us to stone her. What do you say?”


Yeshua knew that it was not this woman who was on trial but they wanted him to give them cause that they might have a reason to accuse him. But Yeshua stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground. But when they continued asking him, “What are we to do with her?”


Yeshua stood up, and said to them, “He that is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone at her.” And again he stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground.


One by one the scribes and the Pharisees began dropping the stones they held in their hands.  


Yeshua was left with the woman before the people Yeshua was teaching.


“Woman, where are they? Is there anyone who condemns you? Yeshua stood up, and asked her.


“No, Lord.” And Yeshua said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go to your home.”  The woman stood up slowly trying desperately to hide her nakedness.  Then turning to leave she heard Yeshua say, “From now on sin no more.”


She tuned her head and looked deep into his eyes for the first time and her body was filled with Yeshua’s love. Just then her body began to tremble as she realized what had just happened to her. Standing there looking deep into Yeshua’s eyes she saw her redemption her salvation and great joy and celebration took over her heart.


Then Yeshua looked away as he continued to teach the people.I am the light of the world. He that follows me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.”


At that the woman ran out of the temple rejoicing and glorifying God for his salvation. Forgetting that she was still naked the woman made her way to her house where her husband was waiting for her.


“What have you done to me?” Her husband yelled at her as she entered the house. She looked at him unable to talk as tears ran uncontrollable down her cheeks. The woman’s husband began beating on her as he yelled at her calling her a whore and an adulteress. He beat her nearly to death and stopped just short of killing her because he still loved her deep down in his heart. Then the woman’s husband kicked the woman and her children out of his house.


Still naked and badly bruised and in pain from her husband’s beating she took her children back to the temple where Yeshua was still teaching.  Weeping the woman approached Yeshua as he was teaching.


Seeing the woman approaching him Yeshua stood up. The crowd that had gathered was eager to see what Yeshua was going to do now. The woman stood in front of Yeshua, badly beaten and in pain, Yeshua stretched out his hand and laid his hand on the top of her head.  As soon as he touched her the bruises started to clear up as the pain began to leave her body.


Then without saying a word Yeshua turned around and went back to teaching the people.  “You judge after the flesh,” Yeshua started teaching the people, “I judge no man.”


 Just then several of the women who were there came to the woman and her children and they put clothing on her as they took her with them.  The woman knew deep in her heart that from that moment on Yeshua would take care of her no matter what may happen to her.


Later that afternoon the woman’s husband entered the temple where the Lord was teaching looking for his wife so he could give her a divorce


Just then one of the Pharisees asked, “Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife?”


Yeshua looking at him asked him, “What did Moses command you?”


“Moses said for us to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away.” The Pharisee said.


It is because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.” Yeshua looked at the woman’s husband, “But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause a man will leave his father and mother and will cleave to his wife. Yeshua looked back at the Pharisee, “And the two become one flesh. So then they are no more two, but one person.”  Yeshua looked back at the woman’s husband, “What therefore God has joined together let not man destroy.”


“But Lord,” The woman’s husband approached Yeshua with his divorce papers in his hand, “if she had done anything else I could forgive her.” The man hung his head in shame, “But she slept with my partner. She betrayed me.”


“Forgive.” Yeshua placed his hand on the man’s shoulder, “As you forgive the sins of other so to will your sins be forgiven you. If you are unable to forgive other their sins against you neither will your sins be forgiven you.”


A great sadness gripped the man’s heart as he dropped the papers. “Lord what you are saying I know is true.” Just then the man’s children ran up to him and he looked over at his wife.


“Can you ever forgive me?” the man asked his wife.


“Yes.” said the man’s wife. “Can you ever forgive me?” she fell into his arms crying uncontrollably.


The man wrapped his arms around his wife and held her very close to him as they both cried uncontrollably.