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Jaina's Page

Jaina Solo grew up as the oldest of the three Solo children from Han and Leia Organa Solo. Like her mother and uncle, she too had her share of Force powers. Jaina and her twin brother, Jacen, would hang out with their friends at Luke Skywalkers' Jedi Academy which was on Yavin Four. At the academy Jaina learned how to control her feelings. Much like her father, Jaina was known to have, somewhat, of a short temper. Her Jedi Master, and Aunt, Mara Jade Skywalker, taught her how to turn her hot temper into a useful tool which she could turn on any enemy at will. As she got older Jaina had a relationship with a young man named Zeek. They had known each other almost all their life. The bond that they had was strong but not strong enough to last. A few months after getting together they split up. When Jaina wasn't flying in her X-wing she would be seen for a time hanging out with her fathers "friends", smuggling buddys, in a local bar known as the N1 StarFighter. Jaina along with her best friend, Brea, would be found there having a good time. It was in that very place that Jaina found the man who would steal her heart forever. His name was Nobeone Kenobi, and sadly he was also her father's close friend. Jaina knew that he wouldn't want anything to do with her. Jaina and Nobeone did become good friends. Talking over mugs of Corellian Whiskey and telling old war stories to each other. The two grew close to one and other. They had watched each others backs more than once. One night in the bar Jaina and Nobeone had met, they talked and joked around then when she was ready to leave she gave him a kiss. Shortly after that they started going out, but it too wouldn't last long. Jaina was off on missions and having family problems that wouldn't allow her much time for Nobone. She broke up with him on night in the bar. Even after all of that they still would meet up and talk. To this day the two of them are still friends. Now a days Jaina spend most of her freetime with her children on board her Supper Star Destoryer- Smugglers Heart.

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