Self Validation


Sir, can you talk about self-validation . . . .

 That is what you all need to learn. Self-validation. In order to be able to have the strength to be who you are  and  be proud of who you are and  to be proud of all, all faults and weaknesses,  to be proud of all your strengths   you have to first overcome that which limits you all. That is your physical. Your physical is your barrier between yourself and the world outside of you. This is an essential barrier. At times when the self needs greatest protection, the physical does this task. But with time, you have forgotten that this physical is only the barrier it is not you.  This barrier has now ceased to be useful. Because you have given it more importance that it requires. And therefore you need external validation of this barrier. To be able to validate yourself, to be able to look within and see yourself for the vastness that you occupy, to see yourself again for the minute Spark that you are, you must be able to look beyond this physical barrier. Acknowledge it, only as the barrier and not more important than that.  Then words will merely bounce off this barrier. Why do words hurt you? Why do words please you? Because they are able to penetrate this barrier. And then what kind of a barrier is it, if it permits this penetration? A barrier must shield you and bounce off all that touches it and not permit it to enter. Son, self validation will come naturally, only after you have transcended your physicality. We have told you all time and time again that this is essential. Do read my son, what we have spoken on transcending your physicality. Once you are able to do that, then self-validation loses all importance, because then you are left only with your self. When you left with your self, no validation is required.