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TEAM TARZAN! ooh yea! Manda, Amanda, Carmen! just nevermind the Mandy part...thats a never again! lol yes. Good day. :)

One Day Blode was Daydreaming about his Giant Bee. *Giant Bee, you're Lovely* :)

Yea haha i like that one (just nevermind that Mandy thing again!) Thats pretty much what we actually do, lol. quite the fun! :)

AC/DC man! this is where you get to hear about them all:) lol

  • Amanda S - BFFEAE "I'm gonna break dance, yes and no" that was the funniest thing:P we are gonna live by you annnd you! lol road trip man! ooh yea:)

  • Shawn - Shawnamin! Hamtaro is soo cute! u should bring him to school more! luv ya MOFO!:)

  • Ashley - we live so close together and we hardly ever do anything! thats crazay...

  • Brenda - forget phonics, were hooked on chips! o man that party was so fun...TPing! (amanda threw urs in the tree lol!) u are still our manager :P

  • Sandra - Dandilions are insanely hip! aha, why dont polka-dotted elephants eat zest? lol (i dont get it) Miss Jeevis!

    Dude...some of the favourites of the amanda!

    FRIENDS!! *I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour, I'll be there for you, like I've been there before, I'll be there for you..cause your there for me tooooooo!* Arent I so good at singing?! Haha...not.

    West 49 Rulez!! It's the best store to get...anything at! (Well, maybe not anything...but anything thats cool!) :) ~Just like Amanda said--SK8ER GRLS ROCK AT 49!!~

    Some embarrasing/wierd/stupid(!) stuff that happened...

    ~K, so this was at the "Gramma Party", (For those of you who don't know what that is, it was a party at Amanda's Gramma's house...and no, her gramma wasn't there!) and everyone was watching the movie "Riding in Cars with Boys". Well, Amanda and me didnt want to watch it so we went outside and we took some whipped cream with us and got really "high" off it. LOL. Anyway, we were listening to Moulin Rouge and playing basketball when out of no where I just said "Sometimes, when I'm in my room, I dance like this." *and did this very wierd little dance thing* then i said, ", I dont!" we were both laughing so hard, and then she told everyone about that, LOL.

    ~Ya well this happened at school in grade 7. Amanda and me were being really stupid (as usual) and we were pushing eachother around and stuff. so i was running down the long hallway (the one where the cooking room and art room and stuff like that r) and she came up right behind me and pushed me so hard i went sliding down the hall! lol it was soo funny! i was just sitting on the floor on my ass while everyone stood there laughing at was pretty great. :P

    *~so theres another thing for proof that im as smart as a cucumber on wheels! (Dont ask me where I got that...)~* -Amanda D


    (Even though I cant


    SaNdRa- Miss Jeevis! that was so fun, lol AC/DC!

    KaiTLyN- ur so nice! and j/k u + jean + sandra are so funny when u fight:P

    JeAn- oh man u are so funny! x-men2 was great:) that was such a fun weekend!!

    I LUV YOU GUYS!! And Don't worry, I'm not forgetting everyone else...who is in the list of all my friends. :)

    Yo, Hailey! We have so much fun together, that sucks we live so far away! it takes like 4 hours...damn! lol but when we do get together we come up with stuff like "Vinny the Vibrator" lmao! know one will ever know...:P luv ya ;)

    Ah Love it! And look, I'm wearing a Superman shirt! I want one of those...

    Aww...It's another one! lol :)

    That ones me...

    Thats Amanda ...

    And There's Carmen! go Carmen! :)

    Thats what im gonna look like for Halloween...GOTHIC!

    Ya, and thats what i did! Carm & Man went as Russian Mafia..haha it was hilarious! But it was so freakin cold, i felt we went back kinda earlier than planned. Sorry guys! I feel so bad...still! lol But now its...November 24 (2002). Fun! I saw 8 Mile last Friday with Amanda and Brendan. It was an awesome movie! Thanks Dawg--Amanda, lol! thats where we got it!! :P

    Favorite Movies:

  • 8 Mile

  • Moulin Rouge

  • Lord of the Rings 1 & 2

  • Waynes World

    WAYNES WORLD! WAYNES WORLD! PARTY TIME! EXCELLENT! WOOWOOWOOWOO!! thats such a great movie...No Way! WAY! -Sandra &!

    you know who you are...(of course, u made this one lol) u r so great! (thats another word for hot, lol :P) we really gotta do something next time! ;) love ya

    some good advice: Never go to ITS THE SICKEST PAGE it screwed up my brain...EWWW, DONT LISTEN TO AMANDA OR ASHLEY CUZ THEY WILL TELL YOU OTHERWISE. lol its true, they will!