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We are destroying trees in Australia for un

We are destroying trees in Australia for un-important purposes. People seem to be looking past the point that we need trees to breathe, and instead are focusing on cutting them down to make paper for useless purposes. like 90% of woodchips left our shore last year to go to Japan to make paper. Australia has enough stockpile of wood for now but we are still cutting it down. We have to put a stop to this. Imagine all the pieces of paper you has scribbled on, ripped up or even had to write lines on, now that is a lot of paper.

Now when you read this you might think that well the government is trying to stop all of this, well you are wrong. The government is complaining that they need help to stop these issues, but they just start one agreement and then they forget about it, or do they. Maybe they just are greedy and want to keep all the money they make from tourism. Well they are going to know it when the main tourism attractions are destroyed from cutting down the trees, then when the sediment and rubbish floats into the Great Barrier Reef.

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the world, it is also one of the major parts of our tourism industry  and if we lose that then we lose money which the government doesn't want that to happen. But they want to drill for oil quite closely to the Reef. They also haven't stopped the prawn trawlers which is still a threat to many of our marine animals. With so much sediment and topsoil getting dumped in out reef, it is increasing the risks of algal blooms, collapse of coral communities and the death of seagrass beds. The cattle grazing, vegetation clearance and intensive cropping is damaging our Great Barrier Reef as it is running into it. The political parties aren't doing anything. This is why we need someone who has leadership from all political parties to put in laws to control the amount of clearing on land, the amount of pollution that enters the Great Barrier Reef and to control prawn trawling.

Most of the worlds population lives in an urban structured environment. We need trees to breathe and animals to eat. What will we do without them. Remember no tree no me!!!!!