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Solutions for illegal/underage pornography, and the illegal solicitation for personal information/sexual favors or encounters on the world wide web.
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Welcome to the iTracker home page!    

     Thank you for visiting the iTracker home page. This application is still in the development stages, however once all features have been incorporated it will assist law enforcement officials in locating and eliminating illegal/underage pornography on the web with the use of current patrons of x-related websites and services.

   With this website I hope to provide a method for anonymous notification to law enforcement using a centralized database application which will allow concerned citizens whom frequent pornography websites and chat rooms to essentially "blow the whistle" on content which may be of underage models or of individuals soliciting people for personal information such as credit cards and pedophiles.

   The application I am propposing would allow law enforcement officals to use the centralized database to monitor anonymous submissions from concerned citizens by cross referencing said submissions (sorted by location), with reports filed about missing or runaway children.

   Eventually the database entries would be pulled and automaticaly spidered using an automated script where the results be cross referenced with reports of recently abducted children using facial recogniztion technology then based on location notify authorities of positive results.

    The goal of this project is to solicit chat rooms & chat application engineers and providers along with the maintainers of pornography related sites and services to run a small piece of code on their sites allowing patrons of these sites to immediately notify authorities of illegal content or people soliciting minors for sexual acts.

   If I can get a few website owners of these type of services to run this piece of code linking to a separate anonymous submission form, I can essentially bring the results to law enforcement officials, in doing so if enough people care about keeping minors out of pornography and pedophiles out of chat rooms, I can then assist legislators to pass a bill requiring any web site owner of these types of services when registering their site would be required to allow their patrons a quick method of notifying authorities or face penalties.

Concieved, researched & developed by Jason Gerfen 2003 ©