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Good News In Iraq!!!

If you have something GOOD, a letter, photo, ect. you would like to share, send it to me Lets not forget Afghanistan, send those stories along too.

Says "Bush and Blair, Champions of Peace"

I want President Bush and the troops to know how proud I and the majority of Americans are for a job well done. If it was not for them 25 million people would still be living in fear and hundreds of thousands more dead.

It goes beyond Iraq and it’s people. Lets not forget the big picture. The theory is that with a stable Iraq will bring a stable Middle East. It’s time for more people to look to the future and how it will change the world. It took the great leadership of our president and his staff to see this, and some day I am sure they will go down in history as the generation that brought peace to the middle east.

Remember, this is not a movie! The soldiers really die and the happy ending does not come in one and a half hours. It will take 10 to 20 years of dedications and sacrifice to accomplish our goal. In the mean time, people will very unfortunately die and there will be bad things that happen, this is a war! Failure is not an option! We must remain united and stand behind our leaders to show the terrorists there are 250 million people who are willing to stand up and sacrifice for the good of Iraq and all of man kind. We must show patients! Ask yourself, “would these terrorists continue if they thought we were all behind each other?” They are seeing the protests and think we don’t have the stomach for sacrifice and this is emboldening them. And as long as they see a possible light at the end of the tunnel, they will continue to blow themselves up. This is not a movie!

These supposed presidential candidates are adding fuel to the fire. By saying that troops are being killed (which we all know) and we need to bring them home. Can’t you see the terrorists thinking,”lets just keep killing, even one at a time and they will leave, their leaders are already talking about it.” So in my mind there rhetoric is costing us American lives.

So shut up and lets talk about all the good things that are happening over there! The good that is coming from the sacrifice too many have already made. I need your help. Send me your stories, photos and letters so I can get them up here. If you send pictures, please caption them so we don’t have to guess what is happening. Thank you for making this Site a success. Heath

Some of My Favorite Web Sites

Operation Iraqi Children
Glenn Beck
Michael Savage
Sean Hannity
Fox News