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helloooo kidds, its been a while i know, and i deeply apologize, anywho. if you've given me a new bio for yourself ive put those up, yay. annnd i also added my ciy pics for this year, if you have some you want me to put up, just let me know. also if you havnt filled out a new bio sheet, puh-leaze do that and give it to either me or luya. thanks, i hope you guys are having a great school year so far! remember that to live is Christ and to die is gain...bye! :D

Hey, just an update, for those who don't know already, the grand opening of the new building has been postponed. This doesn't mean that we wont be able to utilize the building untill then, we just had to delay the youth shin dig. So now, the youth party for the grand opening will be on September 13, and the church grand opening is september 14th. One time blind will be here and fresh sunday and maybe some other bands. Anyways, it will still be just as fun, we just have to wait a little longer. Okay I do think that is all i had to say! Have a wonderful week !

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